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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Any people "of a certain age" remember Hedy Lamarr? Did you know she was an INVENTOR and is in the National Inventor's HALL OF FAME?

Any people "of a certain age" remember Hedy Lamarr? Did you know she was an INVENTOR and is in the National Inventor's HALL OF FAME?

So what did she invent/co-invent?

I'm going to write it as I read it but I do not understand it.


Which I have read is incorporated in Wi Fi Blue Tooth and other gismo gadgets which I also don't understand.

Didja know?

Posted - July 31, 2021


  • 17095
    Australian John O'Sullivan invented WiFi, but didn't reinvent the wheel - he did make limited use of Lamarr's invention. What Hedy Lamar did with her FHSST was devise a system to prevent radio-guided torpedoes from being jammed. Her contribution to the allied war effort.
      July 31, 2021 3:29 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Did you know when she was dating Howard Hughes he put his research staff entirely at her disposal so she could invent away. I find that incredibly sad in a way. I mean yes she was drop dead gorgeous but that wasn't who she WAS by any means. She was so much MORE. Maybe at the time folks knew all about it. You know the saying..."if eyes were meant for seeing beauty is its own excuse for being." I don't think so at all and I wonder how many like her lived lives of multiple dimensions we never knew about? Thank you for your reply R. Reading about her in Wikipedia is illuminating though sad. She was married six times and toward the end of her life became a recluse. Going to so far to even not see her children but talk them on the phone. I wonder why? :)
      July 31, 2021 3:45 AM MDT