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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » POLITICS! Dumb/Dumber. Worse/Worser. Bad/Badder. Scary/Scarier. Nuts/Nuttier. Liar/Liarier. Where is the Good & Better? Gone forever?

POLITICS! Dumb/Dumber. Worse/Worser. Bad/Badder. Scary/Scarier. Nuts/Nuttier. Liar/Liarier. Where is the Good & Better? Gone forever?

Posted - October 30, 2016


  • As much as I hate to sound pessimistic, I really don't believe that we will see integrity or character in our leadership or their campaigns from here on out. It seems that we've turned a corner and it has led to the point of no return. Again, these things are only a reflection of who we are as a nation and society. A reality of life is that you will reap what you sow. 
      October 30, 2016 8:03 AM MDT