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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » How much time do you waste worrying about things that never happen the way you think they will?

How much time do you waste worrying about things that never happen the way you think they will?

I spent a few months WORRYING about two things that resolved themselves today BEAUTIFULLY. Beyond my wildest hopes. Over and done!

Of course now I feel silly. I even had a few sleepless nights worrying. AARRGGHH.

Well better to worry needlessly than not worry and get stomped. Right?

Posted - August 4, 2021


  • 44765
      August 4, 2021 4:01 PM MDT

  • 2706
    Wow, that brings back memories of my youth. Mad Magazine, Spy vs Spy, the whole deal. :)
      August 4, 2021 4:24 PM MDT

  • 44765
    I was foolish that I didn't buy the last issue last year.
      August 4, 2021 4:26 PM MDT

  • 2706
    I understand what you're saying. I also had several old comic books that I wish I still had. They all got thrown out over the years. I'm not a money-loving person but they would be worth a small fortune today. Oh well. :)
      August 4, 2021 4:32 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Exactly! "Don't worry be happy". Thank you for the graphic E and Happy Thursday to thee and thine! :)
      August 5, 2021 1:15 AM MDT

  • 10799
    A lot more than I should.  

    When we worry, our minds instantly think of the worst case scenario.  We never worry about the best case scenario.   Worry doesn't stop at the plausible, it keeps going into the downright absurd.  For instance, say you were to start a new job the next day.  Even though you know you're more than qualified to do the job, your mind won't accept that.  And so start the "what ifs?"  What if you can't do the job?  What if no one there likes you?  What if you oversleep?  What if you go to the wrong place of business?  What If you lose my voice?  What if you forget to wear clothes?  What if they all speak a different language?  What if the company is actually a front for alien drug smugglers?  What if...  

    Did you know that all the things we worry about rarely happen?  And even if a sensible thing did happen (say, you got a flat tire on the way to a job interview), the result is NEVER as bad as we worried it would be.  In fact, what actually happens is almost always 99.9% different that how we worried it would happen - and usually on the good side.  (Continuing the above example - you find your smarter than the rest of the crew combined.  You made two new best friends.  Your worry kept you awake all night, so there was no way you could sleep through the alarm.   And you can't seem to remember what the other worries were.)  
      August 4, 2021 4:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    So m'dear HOW do we fix ourselves so we don't do that? I sure wish I knew and you're right. In fact I cannot remember a time when something turned as bad as I thought it would. If I KNOW that is the pattern why does it make no difference in how I react to it? Is it habit or something deeper than that? At this age am I stuck being me? I just giggled because that's a ridiculous question and really who is that me? So we survive our own imaginations repeatedly. Thankfully. Thank you for your reply. I wonder if folks imagine more bad things will happen than good? I shall ask! :)
      August 5, 2021 1:20 AM MDT

  • 2706
      I don't worry. I live my life a day at a time. The problems I may face are sufficient for the day. I don't worry about tomorrow until it gets here. :)
      August 4, 2021 4:28 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I salute you for having that ability. I wish I were more like you in that respect ru. Thank you for your reply and Happy Thursday to thee and thine! :)
      August 5, 2021 1:21 AM MDT

  • 2706
    You're welcome and thanks for the kind words. I don't know why but I can't recall ever worrying about much of anything. Whatever problems may come on any given day, I deal with them then forget about them. Maybe part of it is because I don't fear life and what it may have in store. I enjoy life. :)
      August 5, 2021 11:40 AM MDT

  • 234
    Almost daily, sadly.
      August 4, 2021 7:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh dear. So you're another one of us. How do we STOP it or fix it or change it? Any ideas? Thank you for your reply Nightwolf5 and Happy Thursday to thee and thine! :)
      August 5, 2021 1:23 AM MDT

  • 234
    Thank you. Hard to say just gotta keep positive as much as possible.
      August 5, 2021 7:56 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Easier said than done m'dear but I guess it's all we got!Keeping positive as much as possible! Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday to you and yours Nightwolf5! :)
      August 6, 2021 2:35 AM MDT