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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » SHEEPSHEAD FISH has human-like teeth upper and lower and one was found off Jeanette Pier OUter Banks North Carolina! Ever see one?

SHEEPSHEAD FISH has human-like teeth upper and lower and one was found off Jeanette Pier OUter Banks North Carolina! Ever see one?

Once upon a time it was called miscegenation and was illegal. That was when a white married a different color.But they were the same species...homo sap.

I don't know what sex with a different species is called. Fish/human. I wonder how it's conducted?

Anyway wouldn't that be a crock to see a fish with a human face? Or fishhead with a human body?

Remember the scifi thriller of decades ago? THE FLY?  How about THE FISH?

Posted - August 5, 2021
