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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » HEAR YE HEAR YE HEAR YE! Da santa is as adoringly worshipped as GUANO by the same exact people. They got two to adoringly worship! SO?

HEAR YE HEAR YE HEAR YE! Da santa is as adoringly worshipped as GUANO by the same exact people. They got two to adoringly worship! SO?

The most bilious egregious disgustingest evil folks who do the most billious egregious disgustingest things are being sanctified worshpped and touted as the best thing since SLICED BREAD...WHITE SLICED!

Guano and da santa baby. Others vying for position with them. Many others.

Billious egeregious disgustingest here we come!

Posted - August 6, 2021


  • 757
    Some people are intelligent, unlike the idiotic libtards who blindly follow a turd going down the toilet. 
      August 6, 2021 12:24 PM MDT