Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» "THE PRESIDENT DESERVES A LOT OF CREDIT." Who said dat ting? Mitch McConnell vis a vis getting the infrastructure bill passed. Imagine that?
Mitch just supported a multi-trillion spending bill on redefined infrastructure...to help Biden. But opposed Trump's 1 trillion real infrastructure bill as wasteful spending.
Establishment just confirming who they are and why we need them gone. All 19 of the GOP who supported it. (Mine is retiring so I will not have the pleasure of voting him out)
19 republicans have or will vote for passing the bill which is hard to imagine. Bet that really ticked Trump off because he probablly figured that only a couple rebuplicans would vote for it. Cheers!
He is probably FURIOUSLY ENRAGED AND STOMPING. Here's what I wonder. Since he is always filled with enormous HATE why has't he suffered a stroke or heart attack? He is old he is fat and he is furious 24/7. Recipe for disaster i should think and yet...and yet...he goes on. How? Why? For how long? Inquiring minds want to know! Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)