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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Kids always have to bide their time, wait in line, let adults go first. FINALLY it is their time! FOR WHAT?

Kids always have to bide their time, wait in line, let adults go first. FINALLY it is their time! FOR WHAT?

Getting sick, hospitalized and ventilated! How come and why? Well under 12 year old and you cannot get vaccinated. DELTA is extremely bigly contagious. AND the best part? The millions of lowlifes who REFUSE to get the vaccine! VOILA!

Just whatcha wanna see. Kids struggling to breathe struggling to stay alive all courtesy of the adults who STILL REFUSE TO GET VACCINATED!.

I tell ya those kids are so DAM* lucky to have adults who care so much for them. Aren't they?

Posted - August 13, 2021


  • 2706
    Getting vaccinated is no guarantee. Too much deception and misleading information. Get the "whole" picture not just what Fauci and the politicians tell you.

    Wearing a mask is no guarantee. Too much deception and misleading information. Get the "whole" picture not just what Fauci and the politicians tell you.
      August 13, 2021 12:40 PM MDT