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What legal EVIL makes it okay to block/ban the use of PROVEN LIFESAVING things like MASKS? WELL?


Since where does that FREEDOM have the right to nullify ours?

Posted - August 16, 2021


  • 10799
    People are beyond stupid.  We've run out of words to describe them (what is beyond stupid?).  
    The sheer arrogance of people who want to BAN mask wearing is beyond my comprehension.

    I went into the local hardware store today to buy a water heater and  NO ONE - not even one employee - wore a mask.  Only me (and I got a lot of stares).  Even the delivery drivers were maskless.  WTF!  I drove through town and no one was wearing a mask there either.  Even in choking smoke that was as thick as fog!  
      August 16, 2021 2:38 PM MDT

  • 113301
    We are experiencing the same exact thing Shuhak. We are always MASKED and GLOVED when we go out and about. ALWAYS. Fewer and fewer are these days and they are usually old folks like us. There is no dearth of news to blame...there is plethora warning us about the enormous spreadability of the Delta variant...enormously more contagious than the original strain. Now in California we have the LAMBDA variant whose power to make ill and kill I don't know. Then there is the dumbheads in Sturgis...700,000 of them old fat drunks unmasked...dames too. Old fat drunks. Guess how "influential" they will be going back home and sharing and spreading disease? Oh well what the he** everybody dies according to tail lure.  At the market...on the the bank. UNMASKED. Now California is a blue state. Are the blues unmasked too or only the deadhead GUANOHEAD reds? I sure don't know. Thank you for your reply! :)
      August 17, 2021 3:54 AM MDT

  • 10799
    This county is one of the major hot spots for covid (only 61% vaccination rate).  And what do we do?  We hold our 5 day county fair.  One giant super-spreader!  In all the photos I've seen, no one is masked.  I could hear the fair from here and it was always quite boisterous.  So by Saturday (monday at the latest) our hospital will be overwhelmed and local businesses will once again be forced to close (can't operate without employees).
    People.   Are.   STUPID!
      August 17, 2021 11:32 AM MDT

  • 113301
    They are obliviously obtuse. They don't ever think about CONSEQUENCES OF THE NOW THAT WILL SHOW UP LATER. NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER. As result they never plan for anything. There is only what they want to do NOW that exists for them. The last 18 months did not make any impression whatsoever Shuhak. So of course we will probably face GRAVER GREATER consequences this time around. Then there is the Lambda variant that's here. What worries me is Dr. Fauci said it would just take another 2 or 3 variants to develop into something a vaccine will not stop. We are getting closer to that point every day. So take care. I know you do. We do too.
      August 17, 2021 11:41 AM MDT

  • 11425
    Thought I would add that well  repubicans are fighting for the right to ripe the masks off peaple the Trump hotels in Miami, Chicago and Hawaii  have issued mask mandates (got to wear a mask). Cheers!
      August 17, 2021 11:58 AM MDT

  • 113301
    WHAT? SAY WHAT? I did not hear that m'dear. So in some GUANO-owned establishments people are wearing masks and some of the GUANOHEADS want to rip off those masks? With or without the permission of GUANO? Boy this is a surprising SHOCK. Are they daring to go against him? Now I am royally CONFUSED. Are you too? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      August 18, 2021 2:25 PM MDT