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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Back in bondage for women in Afghanistan. They may not go out unttended by a relative. They may not work, drive or go to school. And?

Back in bondage for women in Afghanistan. They may not go out unttended by a relative. They may not work, drive or go to school. And?

They will be raped. Those who are will be murdered because they shamed their families.

How nice for the men who are back in charge again. Sad for the women but then they are worth nothing to anyone anyway except for sex breeding and feeding their men. Betcha all the guys are in rapist heaven once again. Praise be to the TALIBAN and SHARIA law.

Posted - August 16, 2021


  • 2706
    Agree with me or not, this is what happens when you have a troop pull out without having any safeguards in place to assure something like this doesn't happen. Biden messed up royally and even CNN is busting his chops for this fiasco. People wanted the troops withdrawn, they got their wish. The war is now over. At least for us anyhow.

    The thing is though, those who supported and so adamantly insisted that the troops be taken out are now whining, moaning, complaining, and crying about the present atrocities that are a direct result of this same troop pullout that they wanted so badly. You can't have it both ways. What do you think is going to happen now? Do you think the present mess will somehow magically disappear if we don't think about it? Do you have a solution?
      August 16, 2021 9:49 AM MDT

  • 19937
    I agree with most of your comments.  What I do wonder, and this is how we wound up remaining there for 20 years, what do you think would have happened had we waited any longer to get out?  Trump made an agreement with the Taliban for us to be out May 31, and that didn't happen.  We drew down most of the troops and the Taliban began their march to take over as much of the country as possible.  There would never be a time for us to leave.  I will grant you that there should have been a plan to get our Afghan allies out before all of out troops were brought home.  I don't know how they couldn't have seen that the Taliban would not move as quickly as they did.  As always, we underestimated them the same way we estimated the North Vietnamese.  We could keep a miitary presence in Afghanistan for eternity and not accomplish the creation of a democracy with a people who are still uneducated and have a 6th Century mindset.  The British couldn't conquer them, the Russians couldn't bring them to their knees and we couldn't sway them to our way of thinking either.  

    If you want to read an interesting history of Afghanistan, go to this link:
      August 16, 2021 4:35 PM MDT

  • 6023
    It would be interesting to hear what the CIA and intelligence agencies advised on this.
    They should have had some idea this would happen.
    The Taliban had to have troops and equipment massing for an assault, and the Afghan military had no faith in it's leadership ... which is why they fought "every man for himself" and the government collapsed so quickly.

    Too bad we can't secure the airport and get every woman who doesn't want to live under the Taliban out of the area.
    The movement would collapse within a generation, without the world doing anything else.
      August 16, 2021 1:55 PM MDT

  • 19937
    The history of Afghanistan and its people are explained in a link I found.  If you read what's written, you'll understand why no Western principled country will ever subjugate the Afghans.
      August 16, 2021 4:37 PM MDT

  • 113301
      August 17, 2021 2:28 AM MDT

  • 113301
    This is what I just don't get Walt. Why didn't we/they whomever start getting our vulnerable helpmates who had worked side by side with us for TWENTY YEARS out earlier? Start moving them weeks and weeks ago? We knew there were thousands and thousands and thousands of them. It was no surprise that getting them out would take time. I expect you saw the photos of the chaos at the airports...masses of Afghans running to get on board planes...clinging on to them. So much so that pilots could not take off due to the excess weight. What happens to them? We are trying to get out all the Americans and all the Afghans and how many is that? How many are there? It was botched No doubt about it. No planning or foreseeing. Who dropped that ball? Now under Taliban getting people out who helped us? How do you think that will go? The worst is yet to come and it is inevitable. Could I do any better? I have no idea but THEY ARE THE EXPERTS NOT ME. THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE BETTER! So now what? Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee and thine! :)
      August 17, 2021 2:36 AM MDT