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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Great news for those of you whose favorite color is ORANGE. Did you know that you are all of the following?

Great news for those of you whose favorite color is ORANGE. Did you know that you are all of the following?

Warm optimist extroverted flamboyant friendly good-natured generally agreeable energetic playful uplifting social animal social butterfly gregarious swayed by the opinion of others enjoy mediating

WOW! That's a lot of good stuff! So are you that person if orange is your favorite color?

Posted - August 17, 2021


  • 10799
    My favorite color is orange (has been for over 50 years).  That buffoon tarnished a once beautiful color.  Of course his "orange" is totally fake (can't even get that right).
      August 17, 2021 11:59 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Ya know why your answer SHOCKS me? That is my sister's favorite color and she is SUPER gregarious SUPER outgoing and everyone who meets her LOVES her! She was chosen QUEEN of her JOB'S DAUGHTERS BETHEL when she was a teen. She draws people to her like a magnet. I am very proud of her but I am her opposite in a lot of ways. So Orange is your favorite color? So maybe you are an EXTROVERT who is hiding his light and needs to LET IT SHINE! It may seem as if I'm making fun of you but I'm not. I am genuinely SHOCKED. That's me SHOCKED. Thank you for your reply Shuhak. WHOA. I am going to have to take some time to process that! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2021 1:12 PM MDT
      August 18, 2021 1:04 PM MDT

  • 10799
    Noooo... I guarantee you I'm not an extrovert!

    Originally my favorite color was green, but my brother had to go and make that his favorite color (and he was the oldest), so I had to change mine.  I got him back.  He got to choose the paint color for our bedroom, but I got to choose the color for the laundry room (the room everyone had to go through to get to the bedroom). Well, that was about the sickliest "orange" color you'd ever seen (it did NOT match the splotch  card)... and my brother absolutely hated it!  He still likes green and I still like orange.
      August 18, 2021 1:23 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Did you ever think of compromising? A green/orange PLAID? I just giggled visualizing it but it would have stood out from everywhere all the time and each of you could focus on the color you likd best. And to make it fair the Laundry Room would be likewise orange and green but not plaid..stripes.

    I think you may be able to figure out why I'm not an interior decorator. But the green and orange might be shaded to be compatible...a dark forest green and a burnished orange that looked more like copper? This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2021 1:31 PM MDT
      August 18, 2021 1:29 PM MDT

  • 10799
    There was no compromising with my brother (mister "first born").  He didn't even like me sharing the same bedroom (although it was intentionally built for both of us).  The only "compromise" we had was the fact that he stunk (literally) and I put up with it (and he blocked all light and air from entering the room).  

    Don't worry, I'm no interior designer either.  I painted a room bright yellow ... and trimmed in bright blue.  I painted the living room a dull yellow ... and trimmed in "baby-puke".  It was supposed to be a light chocolate brown, but that's not what it is.
      August 18, 2021 1:46 PM MDT

  • 113301
    BIG MISTAKE. I was trying to swallow something when I read "baby-puke". OMG. Next time I will not be chewing anything. I'm 7 years older than my sis. How much older than you is he? Now that you  both are adult do you LIKE him? 7 years difference was major when I was a teenager but now? Well at 83 and 76 we get along just fine! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2021 1:53 PM MDT
      August 18, 2021 1:48 PM MDT

  • 10799
    My Brother is 5 years older than me.  My brother has always been a macho know-it-nothing.  He has always HATED the fact that I was smart and he wasn't (he still can't spell).  He's still jealous of that fact (and he lost he lost a bit more  "brain" from being an alcoholic)  We get along ok (he lives in another state), but he's still jealous of me.
      August 18, 2021 1:59 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Geez that's such a shame. With my sister (Carol) and I we are opposites. That is to say I so ADMIRE her outgoing sunny nature and she admires my thinking or schooling or education or love of learning. There is ZERO jealousy in either direction. Now when I was a kid I had the normal sibling rivalry. She was so "cute" and everyone fussed over her and ignored me completely. That's when I didn't like her at all but I outgrew it and am enormously proud of who she is and her talents. She never begrudged me skippping grades or getting good marks. Never ever anything like that. I wish that were true for you and your brother too. I mean my sis is the only living person who knows me best and I am that for her. I've known her since she was born. Everyone else is dead who can say that. If he always hated the fact that you were smart that can't change. You are smart. Nothing can be done about it. Well you have a sister and I bet you and she get along well. I have no other sibling so  I'm lucky Carol and I get along so well and love each other! Thank you for your reply Shuhak! :) This post was edited by RosieG at August 18, 2021 2:09 PM MDT
      August 18, 2021 2:06 PM MDT

  • 11425
    Orange is a nice color but when you add purple to it -it becomes nasty. Pretty sure Trump wears orange makeup is to hide his purple liver spots and he does a bad job at applying  it. Cheers
      August 17, 2021 12:15 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh lordy. I just visualized it! Orangy purple? AARRGGHH! We'd call it GUANO? Does it kinda look like Bat sh**? Thank you for your reply Nanoose! :)
      August 18, 2021 12:51 PM MDT