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Question with you and her about math-then drawing thread

Jaimie and Livvie, I  see that you’re waiting to see if the piece wise math is complete from me. But I will be posting another drawing thread out there soon for them to pick-out more drawing requests, then I will look through & calculate rest of the piece wise math I copied that if I didn’t see other replies from you. May each of you do just the drawing replies on the drawing thread if I post that, and keep the math replies in the posted math thread(s)? And I will start working on that math now-

Posted - August 19, 2021


  • 5450
    lol, I just realized something weird.  When I did your math worksheets, I was 26.  I’m 28 now.  I’ve already had not one, but two birthdays since you started working on this! 
      September 6, 2021 1:16 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I’ll be working on this now, but it might take several rough moves, & few stuck areas, and I found some videos, & may find some websites that have/shows similar math problems which would be much better to.
      September 6, 2021 1:27 PM MDT

  • 5450
    I know it’ll probably take several months.  Oh wait!  You said several moves!  Sorry, I must’ve misread that, lol.  Carry on.
      September 6, 2021 4:16 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I may tell what I will be doing with these math or do next on these math, “& where I be getting to as I work on them”, then you can tell me what else you would like me to do on these math problems-between what I said will be doing okay? This post was edited by DannyPetti at September 6, 2021 6:08 PM MDT
      September 6, 2021 6:06 PM MDT

  • 7408
    This thread is about to hit the top ten “responded to“ as well as the other one we were talking about. That’s going to make four I believe, lol. 
      September 6, 2021 6:21 PM MDT

  • 5450
    The original one had eight pages of replies.  This one has six so far.  We’re almost there!
      September 6, 2021 7:08 PM MDT

  • 7408

    The one with your name is at number one. We just need to bump this one into the top ten ..cos why not,  lol. 

      September 6, 2021 7:17 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay, here’s what I will do now:
    I will now copy some single images from ”coefficient & expansion math video” on phone, then I will copy these images to laptop so it shows bigger, & that the phone don’t get so busy for other people to use it; but may not help that much, as would need voice instruction with the math video stuff, or it may be just almost like how you did the math. But I dont yet know how to transfer the videos from iPhone to laptop using phone cord with it, then I will try finding a math website that would show every steps of doing these math problems-
    & you’re idea?
      September 6, 2021 8:09 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Hard to tell (exactly) what length of time for this - probably that it might be really hard, & if I might sometimes get through it about as much as I can & as soon as I can.
      September 10, 2021 5:09 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I just set-up another thread for this thread, so you can find my reply of where to reply-about the math, & that if it’s much more cleaned-up to put your other replies in.
      September 22, 2021 7:10 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I had got the short survey choices that I posted out here someplace that  Jaimie just selected, then I think would be good idea for you to choose from that too, I got three of them set-up in there now.
      September 6, 2021 1:30 PM MDT

  • 7408
    I didn’t realize this had been going on this long lol. I thought it was from earlier this year. Gawd :) 
      September 6, 2021 2:24 PM MDT

  • 5450
    Time sure does fly when you’re having fun watching other people try to do advanced math! This post was edited by Livvie at September 6, 2021 4:23 PM MDT
      September 6, 2021 4:18 PM MDT

  • 7408
    Soooo fun -_- lol 
      September 6, 2021 4:23 PM MDT

  • 3137
    We-ll set another thread of this math subject really soon-someplace else on this site!
      September 10, 2021 5:12 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I don’t know if Livvie will say it’s okay to do any of my other stuff here before get back to math or to finish the rest of the math first, so here’s another choice for you and Livvie to look over and decide on this too, but I’ll be working on from the other site & video about this math, then I‘ll e-mail them soon:
    This is to ’ME’
    (A) You may work on the other stuff that you’ll like on this site now, such as drawing, other questions, images, etc., then get back to the math work later.
    (B) Please get back to work on more or rest of the math, so you may not spend that much more time on whatever else you be doing on this site-then I can do(& finish) whatever You want to do here.
    (C) Get back to this math work-maybe right now or instantly & get this math all done real soon before you be doing anything else on this site.
    What would your choice be, be honest or careful what you choose as from the other quick servay choices that I gave you picked-out here.
      September 6, 2021 1:21 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I think I did tried working on these now, just took much longer and some other struggles to with these for now!-
      August 29, 2021 10:50 AM MDT

  • 5450


    lim of f(x) as x approaches 3 from the left = 5

    lim of f(x) as x approaches 3 from the right = 3² - 4 = 5

    The two-sided limit as x approaches 3 is 5.



    lim of f(x) as x approaches -4 from the left = -4

    lim of f(x) as x approaches -4 from the right = 5

    -4 ≠ 5, therefore it’s discontinuous at x = -4 because the two-sided limit doesn’t exist.  It’s also discontinuous because there’s both a hole and a jump at x = -4.


    2 - -1 = 3

    lim of f(x) as x approaches -1 from the left is 3



    2 - -1 = 3

    3 ≠ -1, therefore the two-sided limit as x approaches -1 doesn’t exist.



    lim of f(x) as x approaches -1 from the right is -1



    The two-sided limit as x approaches 0 is 0




    lim f(x)  as x approaches 1 from the left is 1



    (1 - 1)² = 0

    1 ≠ 0, therefore the two-sided limit as x approaches 1 doesn’t exist.



    (1 - 1)² = 0

    lim of f(x) as x approaches 1 from the right is 0





     (8 choose 5)(3x)⁵(-2)³

     coefficient of x⁵ = 56 x 243 x -8

    FINAL ANSWER:  -108864




            1 1

           1 2 1

          1 3 3 1

         1 4 6 4 1

      1 5 10 10 5 1

    6 15 20 15 6 1

    7 21 35 35 21 7 1

    1 = (5a)⁷(b)⁰
    7 = (5a)⁶(b)¹
    21 = (5a)⁵(b)²
    35 = (5a)⁴(b)³
    35 = (5a)³(b)⁴
    21 = (5a)²(b)⁵
    7 = (5a)¹(b)⁶
    1 = (5a)⁰(b)⁷

     = 35 x 5³ x a³b⁴

     FINAL ANSWER: 4375.



     coefficient of a⁵b⁷

     (12 choose 5) = (12 choose 7)

    FINAL ANSWER:  792



     - (512/x18) + (2304/x15) - (4608/x12) + x⁹ + (5376/x⁹) - 18x⁶ - (4032/x⁶) + 144x³ + (2016/x³) - 672

     FINAL ANSWER:  -672



     (3x + 2y)⁴  

     = (3x)⁴ + (4 choose 1)(3x)²(2y) + (4 choose 2)(3x)²(2y)² + (4 choose 3)(3x)(2y)³ + (2y)⁴

     FINAL ANSWER:  81x⁴ + 216x³y +216x²y² + 96xy³ + 16y⁴



     (1 +1)⁴

     = 2⁴

     = 1 + (4 choose 1)(1) + (4 choose 2)(1²) + (4 choose 3)(1³) + 1⁴

     ⇒ (4 choose 1) + (4 choose 2) + (4 choose 3)

     = 16 - 2




     (1 + 1)⁹

     = 1 + (9 choose 1) + (9 choose 2) + (9 choose 3) + (9 choose 4) + (9 choose 5) + (9 choose 6) + (9 choose 7) + (9 choose 8) + 1

     ⇒ (9 choose 1) + (9 choose 2) + (9 choose 3) + (9 choose 4) + (9 choose 5) + (9 choose 6) + (9 choose 7) + (9 choose 8)

     = 2⁹ - 2








     (9 choose 6)3³x⁶(1/x⁶)

     FINAL ANSWER: 2268





    x³ is in (5 choose 3)(2)²(-x)³

     (5 choose 3) = 10

     The term is -40x³

     FINAL ANSWER:  The coefficient is -40.




     (7 choose 2)5²(2x²)⁵

     FINAL ANSWER: 16800x10




    FINAL ANSWER: (2+ax)⁴ = 16 + 32ax + 24a²x² + 8a³x³ + a⁴x⁴


      August 25, 2021 3:38 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Okay I will just go through it about the best as I can as if I work on it now, if of how You just want these to be checked.
    Okay then I will look at those too as You got those math sheets posted in there now
      August 25, 2021 3:51 PM MDT

  • 5450
    You have to tell me if I got them all right, and if I got something wrong you have to show where and how I got it wrong.
      August 25, 2021 3:53 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I’m looking through these sentence math problems & seems long to read through them to see if they math with the math print-outs.
    You may just have to give me the answer sheets for every math problems here if you would like these math problems to be done much faster or sooner-
    then if you do, then probably have to show which sheets are answer sheets, & which sheets that have your answers on.
      August 25, 2021 5:11 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I have the whole print-out of these math sheets that I’m looking at now, with your answers in them-
      August 25, 2021 5:13 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I read through every math(problems), on each of these pages. Then I think I have to see which are your answers that you wrote in, and which are the work pages’ answers(just itself, so I can compare your answer to the other work paper answers-for me to look through both of each answers to see if they came-up the same as the answers on the other papers-just by looking at them.
    Or is the math figures you gave me from before, that I printed it out, was your answers; & the math figures that you just Posted up here is the work page‘s answers this time? So I know where to go now from here-
    I probably am trying to get these done as soon as I can for this one.
      August 26, 2021 7:25 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I just checked it through both on printed sheets, & through the screen sheets along with it, & they look like they all matched including all the final answers, just except it uses ‘choose’ instead of ‘over’, & ’is’ changed to ‘=‘, but that don’t matter probably,as long as all the final answers are the same.
    Except “Lin of f(x) as x approaches -4 from the left = -4” with just under where it’s marked ‘B1’ along with it together wasn’t shown in the (answer) page I just looked at, and does that mean that they are probably all correct?
      August 26, 2021 11:07 AM MDT

  • 5450
    The ones I posted on this page are my final answers.  I just edited them for more clarity.  I can’t type one number over another number and put them both between parentheses.  That means “choose”.  I changed “over” to “choose” because that could be confused with “divided by”.
      August 26, 2021 4:31 PM MDT