*Ho! is intended here to be an expression of delight, not an insult to womanhood.
I looked first at all the English words beginning with hu. Many were variants on “human.” Some were forms of humans: husband, hunter, hustler, hussy. Some, like hunger, hurt, hurry, hush, hubris, humble, huff and humour, suggest aspects of human experience.
So it might be tempting to give “hu” the meaning “of humans”
Among the names of God, the sound “hu” is a common factor. In Islam, Allahu. In Judaism, the letters ya-hu-va-hu (Jehovah, Yahweh). In Christianity, hallelujah or originally allahuya. In Zoroastrianism, Ahura Mazda.
“When one is united to the core of another, to speak of that is to breathe the name Hu, empty of self, filled with love.” - Rumi.
So perhaps we could give “hu” the meaning, “that which links humans to God.” For atheists, this might translate as "awareness combined with a feeling of unconditional love."
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 3, 2016 5:21 AM MDT