Discussion » Questions » Music » "It's Raining Them"?

"It's Raining Them"?

Going too far?

Moments ago I read about a new version of Weather Girls' "It's Raining Men" song.

The headline reads:

It's Raining Them?! Weather Girls' smash hit '80s classic is reworked for the woke generation to make it more inclusive

(to include more inclusive pronouns)

"woke" -- "being highly aware of the things that take place in our society, i.e., racism and inequality," according to one definition.

Yeah, I can be "woke" and inclusive, but I also know -- inclusive or not, I prefer men. And I really enjoy the Weather Girls singing about Men and precipitation, NOT every gender in the world raining on me.  :)

I feel a bit better about it knowing the song's composer is okay with the alteration.  :)  

Posted - August 26, 2021


  • 17564
    I love this son, the original version.  I don't know what has been replaced and don't care.  I love the original.  I remember driving and singing this along with the radio.
      August 27, 2021 4:19 PM MDT

  • 23408
    I adore this song, too.  :)

    I've not heard the revamped song.

    Can these Weather Girls sing or WHAT??  :)
      August 27, 2021 7:37 PM MDT