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how to find a job when your ex hr manager keeps sabotaging new offers

Hi Guys, 
My husband was forced to quit his job 3 years ago when he fell sick. He was given 3 months no payment leave and when he was failed to return by the 3rd month , his HR Manager threatned to take  decilplinary action against him for failing to return to work on time, so he just resigned immediately. His HR managee managed to snagg and marry the boss and now she is the head of operations for the whole hr department. Anyways my husband has applied and was interviewed by many good companies, the interviews go well and they want to hire him, they say our hr will check with your ex company hr and then thats it, they never come back. He used to get head hunted by major companies , now we feat he is on aome banned hr list. Meanwhile failing to get a job, he kept working on some projects and free lancing etc, now our situation has got so bad that we have had to move into my in laws house just to stay off the roads, he has a masters degree and more than 11 years of experience we cant just seem to catch a break, any job that comes hos way just disaappears :( now theee is a 3 year gap on his cv. what can we do? he is now so fed up , and so aure that he will never find a job that he doesnt even bother applying for jobs, he is working full time on his own projects trying nake something work. We have lost everything and i have lost hope of anything evee working out.

Posted - October 31, 2016


  • 7939
    If he still has contacts at the company, he should get letters of recommendations from them. If he thinks he's getting nixed because of the checks, perhaps addressing the issue head on will work. Be honest and explain that there's an issue with the person in HR, but provide documentation to show that he was in good standing with immediate supervisors and coworkers.

    Equally, I believe there's a US law that says people are entitled to a copy of their HR files. I'm about 95% certain on this. He could also request a copy and head the future employers off at the pass... give them a copy of his HR file directly... that is, if there's nothing in there that will nail him. 

      October 31, 2016 11:39 PM MDT

  • 13
    Thank you so much. Will try to atleast get some reccomendations from co workers. Problem is most companies check with the hr departement directly. They say they will get back and nver get back so it is hard to have a chance to explain. They just flee. I am sure the bitch is spoiling it to that exteent. My husband did  ho estly tell them that he was forced to leave since he was not happy with the way the company treated him when he got sick. :(. thank you so much
      November 4, 2016 3:58 PM MDT

  • This behavior is classified as slander, and it can have legal ramifications.  I'd contact a lawyer. 
      November 4, 2016 4:14 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Well, can't he save the time and just have someone who has a great company cover for him and make up the truth?   I don't know what kind of official position your husband holds, but people in very high places do not have this problem just from some disgruntled ex-employer.

    I have quit several jobs and never had a problem being hired.  They are going to go on his strengths and his ability to do something for them that no one else can.  If he cannot provide that, maybe he has been passed up because they are not looking for someone of his profile.  Not because no one is calling him back.  He needs to think out of the box more.  The job is the focus, not following some boring formula that has not worked for him for years now.  He can waste his time and money on lawsuits, but to what end?

    Live now and let this crap go. Just get HIRED.  SOMEWHERE and go from there.   Even doctors don't get this much scrutiny.  Even Upper Management does not have to endure all their eggs under one tyrant.  So, this smells a bit off.
      November 4, 2016 4:33 PM MDT

  • 22891
    ive been dealing with the same issues, i left a job cause of two hip implants and a knee surgery in a resort, ever since i left i cant find jobs anywheres, this went on for yrs, i had a feeling they might be sabotaging it but i cant prove it, a couple of wks ago someone gave me a break and hired me at this calling center. im going to take it, i got to the point where i was living on no income and went to school just so i could live on financial aid, it got that bad, hopefully i can keep this one
      November 5, 2016 10:42 PM MDT