Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What a SORRY A** mess of California Guv wannabes we have from which to choose. After eliminating porn queens/tour guides one was left. ONE?

What a SORRY A** mess of California Guv wannabes we have from which to choose. After eliminating porn queens/tour guides one was left. ONE?


What a calamitous crackpot curiously inept bunch of losers. One guy lost every election he every entered...dozens. Like I should vote for hIM? Sheesh.

So do I vote for the kid or do I just vote NO on the recall and let it go at that? I don't know but I am NOT a happy camper.

All the weirdos and peculiars on the list and there was nothing better?

All the betters were too smart to enter?

Well I dunno which but it is a bane and a misery for us...we the peeps.

Posted - August 29, 2021


  • 10798
    You forgot the shaman.   Its a cluster**** of idiots!  Not a single one of them - from ANY party - has a clue how to govern a state.  3/4 of them are only there to make a statement or simply for the fame (only cost a mere $200 filing fee to get your name on the ballot).  The republicans are all in there to further their republican agenda (destroying the country???).  A 20 year old Cal Poly student?  Really??  Well whoever wins (IF it goes that far) won't be able to do much.  They'll either be concerned about getting themselves re-elected in 2022 (yep, next year is the regular gubernatorial election), or finding that they can't actually do what they thought they could (things don't just suddenly "happen", plus there're those pesky things called "laws").
    I'm not saying Newsome is great.  However, putting someone new in there now simply because you don't like wearing a mask, will only result in billions of dollars being wasted.  
      August 29, 2021 12:14 PM MDT

  • 113301
    I also investigated all those who did not declare a party. The only ones I did NOT research were REPUBLICANS. Over my dead body will I ever vote for one of them! They are entirely responsible for this expensive dog and pony show.  I spent a few hours eliminating then researching/investigating what was left. Remember Angelyne? She is now 70 years old! You got a former addict whose focus on guess what...addiction. You got a cannabis supporter whose focus is on guess what? Legalizing the sale. You got a dem who has run for about 20 different positions and LOST EACH TIME. How insulting and infuriating this is Shuhak. I was LIVID when I was done. LIVID. First of all the recall is ABSURD. BUT since it's happening there should have been some STANDARDS applied to the candidates. Apparently all you have to be is 18 and breathing and have enough money and signatures and you are a candidate! I'm still furious. If it were a different state and not ours I'd have a field day mocking and ridiculing. But when it hits home it ain't funny. Thank you for your reply. What a revolting development this is! :( This post was edited by RosieG at August 30, 2021 11:41 AM MDT
      August 30, 2021 4:19 AM MDT

  • 10798

    I glanced at their “statements” in the voting guide.  What a joke!  Each one is more interested in their own or their party’s agenda, NOT running a state.  Not a **** ONE of them is taking this seriously!  

    The republican candidates made sure to tout the name “God”, yet their “agenda” is opposite of God’s ways.  They all claim that they will “fix every problem in the state”.  Awfully bold considering they’ll only have 12 months in office.  I guess they’re (arrogantly) assuming they’ll automatically be reelected next year.  Most had identical “statements” (too hard to think for themselves?).  One lady overused the word “she” in a “see spot run” format.  I noticed they somehow worked the “no masks”, “open all schools completely”, and “vaccines are a waste of money” in there as well.   At least the ones who tried to make it look like they took this seriously.

    The no-party “people” (if that’s what they are) didn’t take it seriously at all.  “Can you dig it?”  “Search YouTube”?  The “ancient stripper’s” credentials - Currently on the ballot for governor, has the "key to West Hollywood", and is the honorary mayor of West Hollywood.   ????   

    The democrats aren’t much better. An actor who is actually saying that if no one will do what he wants, he’ll beat the crap out of ‘em (strong-arm tactics?).  Then there’s the “recovering” opioid addict who can’t seem to stay clean?

    And we wonder why the state is falling apart.  It’s not just the current politicians fault; rather it’s the foolish, self-centered people in the state.  THAT’S where the future politicians come from.  The worse the pool of candidates, the worse the “winner” will be.

    This post was edited by Shuhak at September 1, 2021 12:50 PM MDT
      August 30, 2021 1:06 PM MDT