Discussion » Questions » Politics » In terms of the vaccine, it's your body - your choice. In terms of abortion - NO choice at all

In terms of the vaccine, it's your body - your choice. In terms of abortion - NO choice at all


What's wrong with this?


Posted - September 14, 2021


  • 19937
    Everything is wrong with it.  It should be a woman's choice whether she wants to have an abortion or not.  Having said that, I don't believe in late term abortions unless the life of the mother is compromised or there is something radically wrong with the baby that was not detected earlier.
      September 14, 2021 8:21 AM MDT

  • 35077
    Abortion is killing another human being.  

    If you do not want to be a parent, you do have choices to make:

    1. Abstain from sex
    2. Use birth control But still know no birth control is 100%.
    3. Adoption

    Those are 3 choices. 

    If I decide not to take the shot, I would be the one to suffer from that choice.   Everyone who wants the shot, can have it.  It is their choice.   This is assuming the shot works.

      September 14, 2021 9:10 AM MDT

  • 11420
    I think what is wrong with it is the law is made by a bunch of old men who probably think woman are best kept barefoot and pregnant. Cheers!
      September 14, 2021 9:29 AM MDT

  • 6098
    No I would not agree with that. I think we all must choose for ourselves in everything.  Which includes of course dealing with whatever consequences exist.  I chose, with my husband, not to do the current vaccine and I stand by that choice.  When I was 19 I chose to have an abortion which almost as soon as it was over (which it never really is) I recognized I had made a bad choice.  
      September 15, 2021 8:09 AM MDT