My thoughts:
I worked in a fast food restaurant, and tried very hard to do well but I was fired within two weeks. (My employer could not have been nicer in his treatment of me with the termination. He knew I was trying hard to do well for him.)
I see the challenges of the jobs and I also see how often "we, the public" treat these workers in incredibly disrespectful ways.
We, meaning the general public, don't see fast food jobs as "real jobs". To "us" a "real" job is one that either requires a skill/ability (doctor, plumber, electrician) or is a 9-5 job in a "real" company (going to "the "office"). "We" think that people who work in these menial jobs must have "problems" or they'd have a "real" job". Therefore they are beneath "us".
Personally, I believe anyone who thinks this way can go take a flying leap. That human being behind the counter taking your order does more work in a day that most CEOs do in a month.