Just because "they kept him out of jail" does not mean he belonged there.
Maybe they kept him out of jail because they know how to fight mindless accusations? I have yet to hear what is in these damning emails that would make Hillary shudder in her shoes.
The big issue? There are TONS of emails. SO F********KING WHAT? What has been in these horrible emails? Obviously nothing. That is why they keep digging. This is a witch hunt plain and simple and any time they find some hot buzz word like someone talking about jail time being thrown at them, all hell breaks loose from those who don't like to check facts but glom onto whatever the latest catch phrase hits them that sounds RIGHT.
Jail - BAAD so must be something to it. Anyone who wants to be kept out of jail by THEM is a crook. RIGHT?
Who doesn't say things like this on a daily basis?
My attorney kept me out of jail too. I wasn't supposed to GO there in the first place.