Do dogs go woof?
Do dogs say woof?
“We” don’t all do that. I, for one, consider it beneath me. Unfortunately, having lived in California for over twenty years now, I have come to discover that even its schoolteachers for decades speak that way, as do many other people in various walks of life, so it has become ingrained into at least two or three generations of parents also.
I was like
And then she was all
So I go
He went
Many people have grappled with me over the concept of language evolving, and specifically the English language evolving. Of course, while I don’t dispute that language evolves, and that the English language evolves, just because something evolves or is evolving does not mean that it is happening in a positive way. For instance, human beings evolved from the first method of killing each other was one person face-to-face or in very close proximity killing one other person. Nowadays, however, it is possible for one person with a push of a button to kill dozens or hundreds or thousands of people. That is an example of how one particular thing in human history has evolved, the question is just because it evolved, does that mean it is good?
There are positive evolutions that have occurred with the English language, and there are negative evolutions that have occurred with the English language.
So like i feel that inanimate objects R all like this n then i wuz like that