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Does the Clinton foundation actually put the millions of dollars in donations towards AIDS medication? (Hint - no).

It is the Clinton Health Access Initiative which does this.  It is a separate entity and has been since 2010.  This entity is currently working towards removing "clinton" from their name.
They are also annoyed with the claims that it is the Clinton foundation which is giving money to AIDS drugs.  The CHAI management memo has been leaked with interesting quotes such as
Further, the line between CHAI and the Clinton Foundation is often blurred by the Foundation, creating ambiguity about our independence as an organization that is separately funded. CHAI is often portrayed by the Clinton Foundation as an initiative of the Foundation. The Clinton Foundation uses CHAI accomplishments in its publicity and fundraising events even though CHAI does not receive funds from these efforts
We are very concerned about cases where we meet Clinton Foundation donors who believe that they have given money to support CHAI's work because they have donated to the Clinton Foundation, when in reality CHAI does not receive the funds.
The Clinton family has spent considerable time in public efforts to promote and raise funds for the Clinton Foundation in the past few years. In Contrast, CHAI management raises almost all the money for CHAI without the involvement of the Clinton family.

To put the long story short the Clinton foundation with it's millions of dollars from ISIS supporting states like Qatar and Saudi and all it's bank donations is not buying AIDS drugs. CHAI is and CHAI wants to distance its self from the clinton foundation and the management is not happy about the clinton foundation taking credit for CHAI accomplishments.
The CHAI donor list is available online you will not see Saudi or Qatar on there or banks or media companies unlike the clinton foundation donor list which is mostly those.

Posted - November 3, 2016


  • 34766
    Interesting. Do you have a link for this?
      November 4, 2016 6:58 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello IT:

    If I ran a charity, I would NOT do a background check on my donors.  I just wouldn't.. 

      November 4, 2016 7:02 AM MDT

  • 34766
    What does that have to do with Clinton claiming the Clinton Foundation is doing things that the other organization is actually doing?
      November 4, 2016 7:59 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello my:

    I don't know the inner workings of her charity..  What I KNOW, is that it's a REAL charity..  I don't believe the Trump Foundation is.

      November 4, 2016 8:27 AM MDT

  • 1615
    I read that only 6% goes to charity the rest goes to guess who?  
      November 4, 2016 8:49 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello tom,

    87% of what they spend goes to the people in need. Google 'em. They couldn say that if it weren't true. The IRS is watching.

      November 4, 2016 10:56 AM MDT

  • 19937
    If you check Charity Navigator, you'll see that The Clinton Foundation has a 4-Star charity rating.  The CEO, Eric Braverman, earns $498,847 and COB, Bruce Lindsey, earns $361,407.  Both of these salaries are commensurate with running a charity with net assets worth $371,958,668.
      November 4, 2016 12:47 PM MDT

  • 1615
    That sure is opposite of what I have read , how does any one know what is true?
      November 4, 2016 2:11 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Well, there are other organizations that rate charities, so you could check with them.  Charity Navigator has a stringent rating process, so if the Clinton Foundation gets four stars, I tend to believe them.  Truth is not everything you read is true. 
      November 4, 2016 10:32 PM MDT

  • 3191
    CHAI was an initiative of the Clinton foundation begun in 2002.  In 2010, it became a separate entity, but still has ties to the Clinton Foundation, as evidenced by the fact that CHAI's bylaws allow the Clinton Foundation to appoint a number of board members.  

    Clinton is elected president, they plan to change that and replace the five board members currently serving that were appointed by the Clinton Foundation, including Chelsea and President Clinton.  They will also stop using the Clinton name, but plan to keep the acronyn CHAI.
      November 4, 2016 4:00 PM MDT

  • 34766
    Thank you.  
      November 4, 2016 4:24 PM MDT

  • 3191
      November 4, 2016 4:27 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Hint.  Someone needs to really prove this.  Hints and innuendos and opnions oh my.
      November 4, 2016 4:02 PM MDT