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Discussion » Questions » answerMug Members » ALL IN FAVOR OF GETTING THE PRO-SPANKERS OFF HERE ENTIRELY? Say AYE!!!!!


There is tons of evidence.  Please cut and paste some of it here on this thread?  So I can get Just Asking's approval for them to be OUSTED.

Posted - November 3, 2016


  • 17260
    Lol. You would look cute together. But heated relationship at times. Woah!
      November 3, 2016 3:49 PM MDT

  • You think?
      November 3, 2016 4:15 PM MDT

  • That's one way of looking at it, but you're going to look a little bit foolish even saying it. And you're going to piss a couple of people off while you're at it.
      November 3, 2016 4:17 PM MDT

  • It's all good WW.
    Is it all good Lucia?
      November 3, 2016 5:18 PM MDT

  • kiss kiss kiss
      November 3, 2016 5:30 PM MDT

  • 17260
    We stick to our policy. It's all there is, it's all that matters: LOVE!

    #LoveMatters #LoveForAll #WingedHeart2016
      November 3, 2016 3:48 PM MDT

  • 46117
    Lago, the last person on here that deserves any heat is WW. He is a nice guy and tries to be pleasant to everyone.  He is a peacemaker and I, more than anyone, need people like him in my life.  

    You are another one of the good ones, so you two should come to the realization that you are both on the same side and Madonna is not so bad.  She does not get off on spanking kids at least.
      November 3, 2016 3:01 PM MDT

  • I think it was too trivial?
      November 3, 2016 3:05 PM MDT

  • Don't get me wrong, we both know WW is one of the good guys - he's our friend. No personal harm intended.
    Ok, WW? smiles?
      November 3, 2016 3:07 PM MDT

  • There are no good spankings on my side Sharonna. Maybe on yours. I have nothing against him. Nor against you.
      November 3, 2016 3:16 PM MDT

  • The question, it being, Should we run these people out of here?, only allows one answer. What they propose, which is to talk about spanking your kids, is legal in the United States and it doesn't violate the Terms. So the answer is no.
    As much as I consider people who do this as punks and bullies. Thais not the question.

      November 3, 2016 3:28 PM MDT

  • I understand that there is a process for flagging content and letting admin/mod's review, clear, or remove, with an email sent to the OP if removed or edited. Am I missing a process here? This seems like a witch hunt mentality, instead of following the proper channels. 

    My suggestion instead of trying "to help JA", is to simply present your concern to her and let her decide, if even to put up for a member vote. Seems to me that JA is very involved and will address your concerns, whether to your satisfaction or not. I see a total disrespect in trying to hardball JA into making a decision based on a public presentation like this. People always like to complain when censorship is placed, until it is for their own cause. Unless it is clearly defined in ToS, I'm sure JA will review. I am not condoning any groups in question, simply the presentation.
      November 3, 2016 4:07 PM MDT

  • 17652

    If you don't like a question, pass by it. 
      November 3, 2016 4:09 PM MDT

  • How insightful.
      November 3, 2016 4:52 PM MDT

  • 3719
    I chanced upon but read this thread for a reason.

    Madonna was slated by various feminist groups who failed to see that Hanky Spanky was about consensual play-spanking between adults. They thought, wrongly, that it condoned domestic violence. Now, like Madonna and apparently WingedWonder, I enjoy the play version but I am very uneasy about the so-called "Domestic Discipline" scene with its bizarre "Head of Household" nonsense (usually the husband, but not always, and sometimes given the sort of Hebrew Bronze-Age tribal "justification" WW alluded to earlier), and that's between consenting(?) adults.

    Once I found a web-site whose title implied erotic CP games, but I was horrified to find it a malevolently sanctimonious child-cruelty-fest; a veritable www -Pro-Spanking Parents-dot- ". I do visit AM's "Spanked at..." forums (I wish Microsoft would allow correct Graeco-Latin plurals!) but that is for adults telling other adults what was done to them - and I shy away from the worst accounts of mindless cruelty by thick teachers and parents who resented their loin-fruits' very existence. However, I do not and would not touch "Pro-spanking" with a barge-mouse. I have no children but if I did, I would not have spanked them, let alone battered them with belts, sticks, shoes, bits of timber etc. then sanctimoniously boasted about it being "discipline" or claim "rights" by spurious Bible stories. Besides, I don't want traces of their paederastic material in the depths of my computer.  

    My reason was others' views on it. For I was among complainants who had two users removed from a British adult-spanking web-site for involving their children in their own profiles. One was a man who admitted severely beating his teenage daughters; the other a woman who wanted to be spanked strongly hinted at involving her 12yo girl. In the UK at least, anyone they met who joined in as implied would probably end up in jail and on the Sex Offenders Register.

    In fact if AM was based in Britain, it's quite possible that the Law, not just we users or the site's owner, would ban the Pro-spanking forum.     

    As the English contact-mag ITC (their bold font) has it, spanking fun is for adults only; and its proprietors state they actively condemn real physical punishment of anyone, not just children.
      November 3, 2016 4:25 PM MDT

  • 3719
    Thankyou for the likes, Winged Wonder & SapphicHeart.
      November 3, 2016 4:40 PM MDT


    Oct 19th, agorsuch1 posted the question, "Is it okay to spank a kid so hard that they cannot sit down?

    There have been several other questions of this nature but they go back further than I've been able to track.
    There is always a risk that such questions are asked with the wrong kind of ulterior motive,
    or that some responders will attempt to take the discussion in an unhealthy direction.
    So it is up to us Muggers to report any post that sounds an intuitive alarm in our guts.
    The ToS is sufficient to make the boundaries clear.

    Personally, I am against spanking for any reason at any time.
    However, there is a consensus among most psychologists about extremely limited spanking. They say that if the spank is delivered without anger, once only with the flat of the hand to the bum cheek, to a pre-verbal toddler for the purpose of reinforcing a "no" when trying to urgently avert danger (ie child is running too close to fire, deep water, busy road, etc) then and only then it is ok. (Even then, I would sooner grab the child and pull it away.) Widespread research and metastudies have proven that in any other circumstance, corporal punishment is at best useless as a form of discipline and very often results in covert or overt rebellion.
    I say this, in part, to demonstrate that talking about the issues can be a useful way to overcome the old Biblical maxim, "spare the rod and spoil the child," which is the root excuse used for many criminal cases of child abuse.
    There is definitely a valid role for discussing controversial issues - it is part of how society changes and evolves towards more functional customs.
    I would go further and assert that we need to re-examine the very concept of punishment itself - because exerting power over someone is not the most effective way to help them grow into an empathic, honest, kind and responsible person. New and proven techniques do exist and are easy to find for parents looking for alternatives (PET is one, NVC is another.)

    There is a group on aM called "Prospanking Parents." There have sometimes been dubious photos and questions asked there and I believe it probably needs to be monitored every day.


    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 3, 2016 6:44 PM MDT
      November 3, 2016 4:41 PM MDT

  • Yes they do. I'm going to report every movement. 
      November 3, 2016 4:47 PM MDT

  • 7939
    It looks like the description on this question changed. Inappropriate content should not be reposted ever. There are report buttons on every piece of content that can be used or links can be sent to me via email or the feedback tab.
      November 3, 2016 4:53 PM MDT

  • 46117
    I really appreciate this and want to do it in a non-upsetting fashion.  I will do what you wish, and am not trying to make extra work for you.  I thought this would be faster.  Sorry.
      November 3, 2016 4:55 PM MDT

  • 17652
    That's right.  Everyone who doesn't agree with you needs to be kicked off the site.  What is wrong with people?  I fully support the right of parents to incorporate corporal punishment into their system of discipline.  Spanking is not abuse. 
      November 3, 2016 10:59 PM MDT

  • Didn't you just say a minute ago, if you don't like the question keep.going?
    That's good you support the right to beat up on kids. Maybe we could think about the right of 
      November 4, 2016 8:09 AM MDT

  • 17652
    I was making fun.  Laughing til I cried was a hint.  Never fear posting an opinion. This post was edited by Thriftymaid at November 4, 2016 2:24 PM MDT
      November 4, 2016 2:23 PM MDT

  • I understand, thank you for responding.
      November 4, 2016 4:38 PM MDT

  • 22891
    i havent seen them around but i dont think they belong here either
      November 5, 2016 7:44 PM MDT