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Are we living in the "culture of hate" now?

Will the effects of this election die, or are we changed to continue in this culture of hate? 

Posted - November 5, 2016


  • Now?????
      November 5, 2016 8:01 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello M:

    I don't believe we've changed...  We used to HIDE our hate.  Not any more. The only thing that's happened is that Trump gave PERMISSION for the hate to become mainstream..

      November 5, 2016 8:05 AM MDT

  • When did we as a nation ever hide hate?

    Was it when  we were hangin' negros or whipping them in the stocks?  When we were having the chinks lay railroad ties for half rotten foodstuffs?   Oh I know,  when we sent the squaws  from their homelands on the Trail of tears?  Maybe it was when we payed hillbilly miners in company coin to be spent at the company store/  Could it have been when we put them micks in their place? Ah I know! We hid our hate in Japanese internment camps! This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 5, 2016 8:39 AM MDT
      November 5, 2016 8:20 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello Glis:

    Sorry..  I meant a collective "we".  Certainly, SOME of us said that there's NO racism, and they point to our black president as proof. People like you and me, however, never bought it.

      November 5, 2016 8:43 AM MDT

  • 2515
    @Excon, thanks! People are out of control. 
      November 5, 2016 8:35 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i hope not
      November 5, 2016 6:24 PM MDT

  • 55

    And I hate it.
      November 5, 2016 6:29 PM MDT