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What’s the most recent sound you heard that A) caused you to seek its source, and B) you found out what it was?


Posted - March 13, 2022


  • 23818

    A neighbor has a high outdoor windmill-type fan in her backyard. I was in my bathroom and heard a noise outside - - opened the window and it was the fan twirling and making strange-but-comforting-to-me creaks every now and then.

     Something like this but hers is bigger, taller and more sturdy.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at March 13, 2022 6:48 PM MDT
      March 13, 2022 1:59 AM MST

  • 17641
    Does this have utility or is it a decoration?
      March 13, 2022 10:17 AM MDT

  • 23818
    I never asked her about the big windmill-type fan and its purpose, if it had one.

    Actually, she has passed. She was a fun neighbor and her family (I assume) now sort of take care of the house but no one lives there. I still consider the place her house.

    The tall windmill is about 3/4's as tall as the big trees in her yard.
      March 13, 2022 6:55 PM MDT

  • 17641
    The old car tag is interesting.  :)
      March 14, 2022 1:19 PM MDT

  • 23818
    I didn't even notice it in there, ha. I had to look for a bit.
    This is just a picture of a tower similar to my neighbor's tower.
      March 14, 2022 5:48 PM MDT

  • 3118
    Seagulls and a foghorn...then I woke up. 
      March 13, 2022 8:25 AM MDT

  • 17641
    Today I kept hearing a sound in the attic before I got out of bed.  Once I was up and opened the blind I realized the wind was blowing quite hard and that noise up there happens when the winds get high.  I don't know exactly what it is.  My neighbor's guess is that it's a loose piece on the eave.  Don't know and not going to fret about it.
      March 13, 2022 10:20 AM MDT

  • 10771

    I was woken up in the middle of the night by what sounded like someone lightly rapping on the side of the house outside my bedroom window.  Of course, something like that jolts you right awake almost instantly.  I just lay in bed listening.  There were a few light raps followed by a long silence.  Then another rap or 2, followed by more silence.  As I was figuring out what I should do, the rapping stopped and I heard what sounded like muffled voices.  (That sure gets the ol' heart pumping!)  I shot out of bed, grabbed a flashlight, and carefully went from window to window cautiously peeking out through the blinds.  Nothing.  Strangely, my cat was still asleep.  Any noise and he's usually the first to investigate.  So I turned on all the outside lights and for the next 20 minutes, continued to go from window to window, looking for someone outside.  Nothing.  Finally I went back to bed (like I'm going to be able to go back to sleep after all that).  A few minutes later, there are the muffled voices again.  This time I sit up in bed, and the voices stop.  However, the rapping started up again.  I lay back down and the voices resumed.  I sat up and the voices stopped.  Plus the rapping now sounded like it was coming from the front door.  Now, I'm wide awake and I know there’s no one outside.  So I get out of bed (no flashlight this time) and walk to my bedroom door.  The rapping stops.  However, there is a faint hiss coming from the kitchen.  As I pass the back door and look into the kitchen, the rapping resumes –right next to me!  I muttered, “Oh for crying out loud!” and went back to bed.  The rapping was the wall heater (metal expanding and contracting).  The voices were the hiss from the refrigerator’s compressor (the fringe was on the empty side at the time so the compressor came on a lot).  Because of the way this house is built, sounds have to travel around corners, which distort them.  Add to this the fact that I keep my window blinds at a certain angle at night to keep out the light from the neighbor’s house.  That makes the blinds reverberate any sound that hits them, but at a slightly different pitch.  My bed is right below a window. 

      March 13, 2022 2:37 PM MDT

  • 23818
    You had me hooked with your answer. I read your whole thing, concerned, intrigued.
    Glad all is well. This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at March 14, 2022 5:38 PM MDT
      March 13, 2022 6:59 PM MDT

  • 10771
    I should have known that if the cat didn't wake up, all was well.
      March 14, 2022 10:25 AM MDT