San Diego, California is a city with an extremely large military “footprint”; US Navy and US Marine Corps installations. Putin will most likely want to wipe it off the map as Job One of his assault on the United States.
I just realized the inaccuracy of my answer: I was not born in San Diego. My hometown, while strategically vulnerable, is slightly less of a target than my current city of residence.
You may consider it all you like. To me, the word does not mean the place where I live now, if and when that place is not where I was born and/or where I was raised.
When you were on active duty in the Navy, was every place you were stationed your hometown at the time you were there?
Then it appears that you’re contradicting your own position while at the same time reaffirming mine. The residence(s) that you maintained at various times and various locations throughout your life have not all been your hometown.