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On line dating sites

Does anyone know of any good dating sites?

Posted - July 3, 2016


  • 3719
    No. I would not trust any of them. Think about it...

    They might hook you with a "free" service but that turns out to be a trap - use it further and it might come back with an automatic direct-debit charge, or at the very least they will demand payment by bank card for any further use.

    So they charge. Dating agencies must be one of the very few businesses, along with some lawyers, whose profits depend on failure - that of their customers to find partners. The more you use it the more you pay, and logically enough they cannot offer any sort of guarantee or refund; but they want the service to fail for you in the hope that you will gamble on trying again. And again. And again...

    Now and then someone strikes lucky, not necessarily with the same agency, and you hear about these cases and think you've a chance. Aye, like becoming the next Shah of Persia!

    Now what of the advertisers? The agency expects them to complete moderately well detailed profiles - rather more than the few questions AM asks. You expect they will - but many don't, so even if they live within range you know nothing about them.

    Within range... Not much good finding the one of your dreams, your ideal match, lives 500 miles away, or even in a foreign land! Besides, how do you know that person is your ideal match or is in fact a fraud? You can go on only what appears as bland text on your computer screen.

    Irrespective of the nature of the contact - digital, telephone, newspaper ad - for a relationship to form and gel from what is really a blind date, a range of criteria need to come together: geographical distance is only one of many. So really, it's such a gamble that frankly, dating-agencies in any medium exist to waste your time and money.

    I regard them as parasites.      
      October 20, 2016 6:38 PM MDT

  • 3934
      October 20, 2016 6:45 PM MDT