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Lonely I am so lonely. Why why why?

I miss having good friends and family. They are so hard to come by.

Posted - November 6, 2016


  • Too much Pornhub and not enough chasing tail.
      November 6, 2016 8:47 AM MST

  • 682
    I do neither of what you said.
      November 6, 2016 9:09 AM MST

  • Oh I thought this was a collective "I".  Like why am I  so lonely.  I assumed we were meant to answer for ourselves. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at October 6, 2018 4:08 AM MDT
      November 6, 2016 9:11 AM MST

  • 46117
      November 6, 2016 10:04 AM MST

  • We do what we like and we like what do
      November 6, 2016 10:12 AM MST
  • D&D

    Porn? yuck
    Casual sex with randoms? yuck

    Wtv floats your boat. For me, it's yuck / tiring / boring.
      November 6, 2016 4:13 PM MST

  • What a thoughtful, mature reply!
      November 6, 2016 9:53 AM MST

  • maturity.  >YAWN<
      November 6, 2016 9:54 AM MST

  • 46117
    We need to experience the opposite of secure and filled with love so we can appreciate it when it comes around again.  It will.  You are loved more than you may realize. 
      November 6, 2016 10:02 AM MST

  • 46117
    I amaze myself.  I usually torture this poor individual.  I have a feeling he/she is serious this time.
      November 6, 2016 5:43 PM MST

  • 3463
    Check out Meet Up in your area. Pick something you are interested in then sign up to meet with that group.
    Get a pet, they are great company.
    Join a club like the Moose Lodge or the Elks Lodge.
    There are a lot of things you can do to be less lonely, you just have to make an effort.
      November 6, 2016 10:20 AM MST

  • 682
    I can't find much of those things here. As for pets, I can't keep one that requires a lot of money and constant company though I'd love to rescue those abandoned ones. 

    Lots of people just aggravate me and I come across these types too often and they end up reducing my quality and outlook of life. I don't need more bad people (mean, bigots, those that use me and ignore me when I need them) in my life I already was raised and surrounded by them most of my life.
      November 7, 2016 11:04 AM MST

  • 3375
    I have had some losses this year that has made me feel "lonely", even in a crowded room so to speak.  I know grief and depression can really bring this on.  I have been pushing myself to call my friends to go have lunch, or go take a drive to get out of this house.  

    I also think many of us don't have family or supportive friends living close by like we all used to.  

    I think Lulu'sMom has some good suggestions.  Joining some sort of social group can give you something to look forward to and ease that feeling of being so "alone".
      November 6, 2016 10:10 PM MST

  • 682
    Yes, I have moved back 'home' and lost all my greatest college friends. I'd like to do that but I want something less engineered. Something more 'fateful'. I don't like getting rejected or being the one doing the rejecting and putting myself out there is asking for both.
      November 7, 2016 10:55 AM MST

  • 3375
    Yeh, I get you on that one too.  It sucks to make the effort and get turned down.  

    I just know from experience that when I am in a good place in my own head, life seems quite busy and fulfilling.  

    I think a lot of times, friends and even family don't quite know how to reach back when you need them.  It's a vicious cycle, I know.
      November 7, 2016 11:11 AM MST

  • 682
    Yeah I think because I've been raised cold and in such fearful manners that I became timid and cold. I don't give much chances to them but I do give chances to new people but they sometimes shred my heart into pieces by not having my back when I've been there for everything. I heavily invest in some friendship and relationship and those don't work out. It's the less-invested friendship (both ways) that tend to stick around for a bit (at least those that don't have physical distance and time constraints).

    It hurts to be rejected. It also hurts to reject. A lot of the times I make wrong decisions and reject the better ones and accept the bad ones because I don't know what's best for me or think they are more compatible. It's hard to tell with people how it turns out in the long run. Maybe my childhood role models aren't so good.
    I can be happy by myself sure, but there's nothing like good company.
      November 7, 2016 11:38 AM MST

  • 3375
    I completely understand.  It's not uncommon to do the rejecting first.  Been there.  And you may not always know you are doing it.  

    I doubt many of us are immune to the pain of rejection and I dare say, you can't have close relationships/friendships unless you take that chance.
      November 7, 2016 11:45 AM MST