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Are cheap prices or loyalty more important to you when shopping at a particular store?

In this instance, loyalty means shopping at a store no matter the price because they've been good to you and has always had what you are looking for. The cheap part is shopping around for the cheapest price.

Posted - July 21, 2022


  • 53017


      It’s not a simple yes or no, because it depends on a lot of factors. Sometimes a particular store or a particular price or a particular product or a particular spending decision might vary. It also depends on availability, logistics, ease of acquiring the item, distance, delivery options, cash flow, market fluctuations, competition from other tilde aficionados, weather patterns in the airspace over Minneapolis, which judge signed the restraining order, tolerance levels to Mace or pepper spray, the ability of my lawyer to squash a search warrant issued for the sub-basement, the strength of the investigative case that the detectives are pursuing against me . . .

      July 21, 2022 5:03 PM MDT

  • 33002
    Depends on the product, the quality and the service. 

    I have suppliers that I am loyal to because of quality of product. Buying and selling junk is not a reputation I want to have. 

    But if we are talking about loyalty to Walmart vs some other big box store. Nope. Just best price for quality. 
      July 21, 2022 5:18 PM MDT

  • 10114
    I am willing to pay more for good customer service and for standing behind the product or service. So, I guess that might qualify as loyalty.
      July 21, 2022 8:56 PM MDT

  • 3684
    I shop as and when rather than in bulk, for food, but when I do go mad and buy perhaps £50 - £60 worth at once it is generally from the discount chains. I go for their brands rather then the big-name ones also on offer, too, for things like cereals and sauces.

    What I'd not realised until a friend pointed out to me is that those contract-brands are better not only for your bank-balance but also your health. They once had an unfair reputation for not tasting "as good" so thought of lower-quality; but they are of comparable quality and the taste difference is due to them not being so heavily stuffed with sugar!

    Otherwise I do support my local, independent or semi-independent (contract) shops - where the likes of Tesco and the Co-Op have not destroyed them. Most of my bread and cakes are from a local bakery; most of my milk is via a shop but from a local dairy farm.
      August 2, 2022 4:52 PM MDT