Discussion»Questions»Politics» Do any of the battle ground states have their National Guard at a state of increased readiness during the election process?
I haven't seen any tanks today. I'm in Florida, the place where elections seem to be decided. Ha! I just read that the I-4 corridor will decide who will be president. Sounds strange to me but I'm not really a cracker, I'm a transplant. (Note: a cracker is someone born in Florida)
This post was edited by Thriftymaid at November 7, 2016 2:02 PM MST
You may know the racist meaning. You don't know what you are talking about though with respect to Florida. As I recall I explained this to you before and you found it interesting. That's a short-term memory loss, Sharonna.
Florida-born folk are called crackers. You can look it up if you like.