Just if you were playing this puzzle game, & if you get the free letter trash power-up available to click in to get that, then you can just use that whenever it get available & to probably help get my next level word puzzle right rightaway (maybe one level at a time probably)
I don't think I rally can get this puzzle, but I was thought the first word might be 'clock', but not so sure if that really is. I saw there's 2500 levels on this word puzzle game, so this game app would be going on for really long time.
I have some other word puzzle games that are really hard, for you & others to help guessing the words of other puzzle games I got from the App Store. I will tell you what those other puzzle games are, then I don’t know whether I would post these other puzzle game pictures here, or put them on the other different thread & re-name as other Puzzle words of that thread?