I am sure he lobbed the Irish ethnic joke at me for a reason so I would hate him. He brought up apple cider and potato salad. I'm like What!? I left and came back but it was too late in the ball game. He was clean and I was all mean smoking like a dum bidge. Take another hit! Nobody leaves an employer without being informed and not hated! I see it today! Instant karma! Oh he came visit me and a good guy but do you think I forgive? You do not leave an employer without telling them and just dropping a note on his desk on your own terms. It doesn't work that way! Burning bridges or what not. It was wrong. I could have been a life job. But now! But now! But no! I sold myself short. I cold shouldered the poor guy! Ghosted him! It runs in my family though to do that! If I get insulted in any which way I just leave! Take care! Tch. I don't care. I don't care. I don't care. Do it! Do it! I don't care! Do it! Hear that scream?