Discussion » Questions » Legal » Why hasn't all the ways that police can be recorded kept them from committing acts of pure evil?

Why hasn't all the ways that police can be recorded kept them from committing acts of pure evil?

Bodycams, cell phones, dash cams, surveillance cameras and even doorbell cams have recorded cops committing acts of pure evil. It is so common that I see at least one act of evil by cops everyday online. If you don't take my word for it go search and you too come upon video after video of cops committing acts of pure evil.

Posted - December 12, 2022


  • 844
    The answer is so easy that I'm surprised that you didn't figure it out yourself. The only police officers we have (so far) are humans with all the shortcoming and weaknesses of humans.

    I'm afraid that your estimate of evil in our police forces is very exaggerated. How many people are posting videos of police officers doing the right thing? Just about none. It's not that they don't exist, it's that they're not "fun" viewing.

    I watch videos of truck drivers doing stupid things. Do you think that videos of truck drivers driving properly would get many views? I think not! This post was edited by NYAD at June 9, 2023 5:46 PM MDT
      December 13, 2022 5:46 PM MST

  • 3907
    Hello b:

    Three reasons. 

    1. They've gotten away with it for soo long, and sooo few of them have been punished, they believe they're entitled to abuse the public..

    2.  Cops USED to BE us..  Not any more..  Now, it's us VERSUS them. They DRESS like soldiers, are ARMED like soldiers, and drive vehicles of WAR 

    3.  The cops are a gang..  Once IN a gang, there's only one way OUT.   If you OBSERVE abusive behavior, you keep your MOUTH shut..  If you don't, maybe the next time you call for back up, nobody shows.

    The ONLY reason a light is being shown on it today, is the proliferation of cameras, and citizens willing to use them.  You can see these tyrants at work on youtube, 1st Amendment Auditors.. 

    We've grown soft..  We've grown up with freedom.. Consequently, we think it will always be there.  But, nahhh...  Freedom is hard..  Freedom takes work.  Freedom takes people willing to put themselves at risk for the greater good..  Thank goodness we've got patriots like that.

    excon This post was edited by excon at December 16, 2022 1:59 PM MST
      December 14, 2022 7:13 AM MST

  • 11395
    Police and thieves in the streets, oh yeah. Scaring the nation with their guns and ammunition. Police and thieves in the street, oh yeah. Fighting the nation with their guns and ammunition. (part of the lyrics to a song by Junior Murvin)

    My buddy was in a holding cell and the cops tazzed him in the groin because he wouldn't rat someone out. Cheers!
      December 14, 2022 9:04 AM MST