Discussion»Questions»Human Behavior» Are you a "things" person? Would you marry someone you did not love if he/she could provide you with a neverending supply of things? Why?
There is no cage worse than poverty and bills. Or an illness that cannot be tended to due to lack of proper insurance. None. I'll take the other cage, the one with the Hi Def TV and that fridge filled with snacks to bide away my prison time.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 8, 2016 8:58 AM MST
My typing skills are chit is what it really comes down to. It's okay, grammar nazi's I can deal with, it's such a low level troll form. Plus I laugh at my own grammar mistakes as much as anyone, if not more.
This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at November 8, 2016 8:45 AM MST
It's a no-level troll form, Glis. In other words, it's not trolling at all. It still mystifies me why people call it trolling. Trolling means deliberately being offensive to provoke a reaction from others. I'm not even being offensive, let alone deliberately offensive just to provoke a reaction, so please explain how I fit the dictionary definition of a "troll". If anything, continuing to annoy "Grammar Nazis" by inserting rogue apostrophes is being more of a troll than anything I ever do.
I see you have altered your comment now, Glis, but would you have altered it if I hadn't commented on it? Maybe you didn't notice, but that posting (as it was before you altered it) was showing on the home page, and it looked even more frightfully hideous on the home page than it does everywhere else, and you know how frightfully hideous it looks everywhere else. I don't see what it has to do with typing skills.
This post was edited by Bez at November 8, 2016 8:52 AM MST
"Glis you correct me all the time when you don't agree with my answer"
That sounds more like troll behaviour to me. "Correcting" people just because one disagrees with them? That's like saying "I'm always right, so anyone who dares to disagree with me must be wrong". How arrogant and jerkish can one get? I know there's an old school of people like that on this site, but I didn't think Glis was one of them. Regardless of who is or isn't like that, it's still not fun, it is too much like arguing and being an annoying a**hole to be anything remotely resembling fun.
Nah, I think she means I bust her on grammar mistakes in jest when I catch them too. That said, I can be thorn on certain things. I'm pretty open minded and respectful of the right to others ideas , but some can see my boldness as confrontational at first. There's a lot that can get lost without seeing a persons body language and hearing their tone of voice. Certain aspects of speech are lost when typing.
I'm open-minded and respectful of the right to others' ideas as well, as long as they are the same towards me, but I don't back down when people try to tell me I'm wrong when I know I am right. I'm not confrontational by nature, but I can be counter-confrontational when someone challenges me unjustly. As for body language, tone of voice, aspects of speech, etc, I can usually recognise those, but to help us we have such things as emoticons. :)
I hate when you try and prove something ANY way you can.
You know damned well that is how a debate begins and that happens to be the reason we are all on here. To exchange ideas. Not to twist words around so you can try and be clever. This is not clever. This is silly.
I'm not twisting anything around, Sharonna. I don't mind exchanging ideas, but I am certainly not here to argue. There is a world of difference between a civilised discussion and an argument. Arguing is not fun, it is not clever, it is silly.
I am here to give my opinion. Period. I am not here to argue. I WILL argue up to a point, but when I see it does not penetrate, I leave. If I am wrong, I will admit it. I don't care about being right or wrong. I care about the discussion going someplace besides trying to be right no matter what I have to say to BE right, including dismissing the actual facts of what the other person just laid down.
Andy, me too. I would rather be with someone who adores me and has my back. That is worth all the money in the world, but I would certainly love and appreciate someone with bounty that was there to support me. I would make it worth their while and be grateful, or I would not be there to reap the benefits.
For me personally Andy I need someone whose values match mine. Jim is more a "things" person than I am. He loves to shop and explore and investigate and try things out. I am not that person. The only shopping I enjoy is food/cookware/books. That's it. But Jim is a wonderful guy and early on I decided that his love of buying stuff was not a bad thing. It isn't my cuppa tea but it is his and it in no way negatively impacts me. I mean he doesn't gamble away the rent or spend money on booze or drugs or other women. He just likes things and that's okay with me. Thank you for your reply Andy B and Happy American Election DAy Tuesday to thee! :)
I'm glad your relationship with Jim worked out beneficially, Rosie. If only more couples could approach their relationships in a similar way. Differences needn't conflict, and your relationship is an excellent illustration of that. Happy Tuesday to you too, Rosie. :)
Well Jim loves things ele and I'm not a things person. But he is a great guy and that's really not a vice. It's just not my cuppa tea. Thank you for your reply and Happy Election Day Tuesday to thee! :)