Lol, technically, that’s part of the reason I posted the question in the first place. There is dual manipulation going on here at the hands of the Madison Avenue/Wall Street bed partners, all in pursuit of the almighty dollar. One side of that manipulation is jumping onto a bandwagon with “hip” phraseology to appeal to consumers’ sensitivities about fads and buzzwords. The other side of the manipulation involves the two aforementioned industries’ age-old gimmick-driven practices that they hope will dupe the barely attentive masses into believing in the hype. Don’t worry, I agree with a large extent of what you’ve posted here.
For instance, your sentence:
“To me the term ”organic’ used for food is meaningless.”
is exactly in line with my philosophy that knee-jerk labels such as “organic” are practically the same as claiming a food product is “edible”, or “digestible”, or “chewable”, or “the eggs we sell were naturally incubated in a non-manmade form leading up to placement on your grocer’s shelves”, lol. How about, “this beverage is liquid (or liquid-based)”, or “the sodium ingredient has a salt-like taste”!
There’s no need for you to apologize about failing to answer my question, because your answer is 100% appropriate! When you’re right, you’re right! Kudos!