Can you report a Catholic Church who told people to vote for Trump this last Sunday?
I didn't hear this priest, but one of my friends did. She was stunned. Of course, the Catholic doesn't believe in abortion, but telling people how to vote is another thing.
Your friend can report it, if she really did hear the priest say it herself. Frankly I doubt it, It does not fit with my image of Catholicism.
The best place to report it would probably be the bishop of the area. He would be well aware of "The Rules". He can then either take disciplinary action himself, or else report the incident to the proper government authorities.
My dad and his wife were told the same thing in an AZ sermon, but it wasn't a Catholic church. I guess the guy was using the same aborton line and it cleared the room. All that's at stake here is their tax status, as I understand it. Church heads can endorese candidates all they want, but not in any official capacty with the church. So, a priest can attend a rally or endorse on his own time, but he can't speak during a Sunday sermon and tell people how to vote or distribute any materials geared towards a candidate to church members.
So, I guess someone could report the priest to the IRS, but what good would it do?
PLEASE go to AMERICANS UNITED & give them all the details.
they are the organization that deals with the separation of church and state.
they need to know this is going on.......& they've filed many successful suits against churches that do this, and their tax-exempt status is taken away from them.......(yay!!)