The slam.....


If the general of Trump's army got 22 years in the slam for committing treason, how much time is Trump gonna get?


Posted - September 6, 2023


  • 4293
    Not nearly enough.  Big, macho man cried like a sissy when he found out he was going to spend the next 22 years in jail.  I wonder if he's proud of himself now.
      September 6, 2023 8:34 AM MDT

  • 11591
    I have no expectations of prison time. He has gotten away with so much that would have sent most people to prison, even before he held office. For some reason, cases that should have been criminal, like the Trump University fraud, and misusing funds from the Trump Foundation were tried as civil cases. If he had been treated like anyone else he would already have served time. No doubt, even with a guilty plea, he will get probation or a suspended sentence. This is a prime example of the two tier justice system in the US.
      September 6, 2023 4:30 PM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello J:

    I don't either..  Even if he is sentenced, it'll be home confinement, probably at Mar A Lago.  There is the Secret  Service to attend to, after all, and they're not going to be able to protect him in cell 36 on D Block.

      September 6, 2023 7:30 PM MDT

  • 11428
    They could put him in ADX Florence it is almost all solitary confinement cells so they would only need a few secret service to keep him safe. I included a link for a bit more info - the part about ADX Florence starts around the middle of the page and from what I read it seems perfect for Trump. Cheers!

      September 6, 2023 7:56 PM MDT

  • 35079
    Exactly 0 minutes. 
      September 6, 2023 6:51 PM MDT