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What do you think of Trump winning the Presidency?

As for what I think  is  it's  not good.  I thought Hillary would win  I was wrong.   I guess I don't understand you Americans!

Posted - November 9, 2016


  • 3191
    Actually SKOS, I am not projecting my feelings on this at all.  While the only big surprise this election was Trump, that is, in and of itself, huge.  

    As the primaries got underway, there was just as much dissent among Democrats as there was with Republicans.  That their party leadership prevailed caused half of those voters to have to choose between a Democrat they despised and a Republican nominee they despised even more, the majority of them held their noses yesterday.  

    You are correct that there was no big changing of the guard this year as happened when the Tea Party swept Congress and Republicans took several states, including mine.  Do you know why?  I do.  That sweep accomplished nothing.  Nothing really changed except the names of the politicians.  Nor was there any real alternative candidates, save one.  Trump.  And he was elected, but just barely.  

    There is a reason he only just made it, too.  People do what they've always done.  They listen to the 30-second sound bites from the media and believe what they are told.  They vote their party.  They subscribe to the "lesser of two evils"/"hold your nose and vote" mentality because they truly believe they do not have a choice.  And perhaps we don't.  

    Maybe it really is beyond our control to change the system.  I thought we might have had a chance when the primaries began.  I thought the Sanders supporters could do what the Trump supporters did.  I was really disappointed that they didn't, and even moreso when they rolled over for Clinton.  
    No, there was no sweep across the board, but the only non-establishment candidate was elected.  And that is a start.  We shall have to wait to see if any good will come of it.    
      November 9, 2016 5:10 PM MST

  • 3934
    @Bozette -- Thank you for the above comment. In my recollection, it is one of the most reasonable and well-thought-out things you've posted here (Note: I am not claiming I have detailed knowlege of all of your posts).
      November 10, 2016 10:17 AM MST

  • 3463
    I guess those who voted for him are happy, and those who didn't are not.
    I think the only thing the American people will get is the shaft. But time will tell.
      November 9, 2016 10:27 AM MST

  • 17655
      November 9, 2016 12:54 PM MST

  • 46117
    I guess war and pestilence is your jam Thrifty.
      November 9, 2016 12:55 PM MST

  • Well, The Establishment lost, which seems to be quite a popular result at the moment, and given what I know about The Establishment, not one I inherently disagree with.  I don't think there's much to argue with the view that we've had far too many years of Law being made that directly impacts negatively or at least indiscriminately on people's quality of life while providing significant advantage for a select few.  There is also little doubt that some sort of break with the neo-liberal/neo-conservative 'norm' was needed at some point.

    The question of course is will Trump actually achieve what is necessary?  My money's on a resounding 'NO' to that and how that will pan out is anyone's guess.

    The Chinese have a curse; 'May you live in interesting times.'
      November 9, 2016 7:57 PM MST

  • 1326
    I know there are cataclysmic changes coming earthwide, trump has no control over any of these.
      November 13, 2016 10:36 PM MST

  • 46117
    Autumn, no one does.  But what he does to help afterwards will show his mettle. 
      November 13, 2016 10:38 PM MST

  • 1326
    It's a sign of more things to come.
      November 22, 2016 5:11 PM MST