I don't know if that member is probably not there to answer my reply yet, & if there's anything that you will help me with that I'm trying to show that member with, than you can, & then I will show you, then see which that I want it to get answered. Or whatever try to show that member for that to get answered for me, then would you like to take a look at it & see if you can try answer that one?
From the answerMug page I scrolled way down to find Welby,
Then I clicked in Welby's Picture: I see "Cancel Friend Request", "Report", "Send Gift", & "Send Credits", then I don't think I see any that to send just Welby any 'message' with; can you find which one it is? Or do I may have to 'Cancel Friend Request' and try again(try click back in again)?
Like I replied in a message to you, based on our last interactions with the cartoons about Bambi, I know it's fun to share lots of details and ideas but I'm currently feeling 'busy' with many other things. Be well, though :)