Very nice! The one with the yellow cupcake is exceptional: turning it around, it's a bit like the head in Edvard Munch's The Scream. Munch's painting may be a little scary to look at (not like yours), but it's very famous.
This post was edited by Danilo_G at November 25, 2023 6:41 PM MST
And you'll notice that's the winter scene in the window behind the cupcake-along with the leafless tree, pine tree & with the moon! The Ferris Wheel picture-not really close to real as a photograph of it, but it took really long time, I not just color it with pastels, & I used the tortillion that I have & spread the colors with it to make it even better with sweeping-up the rest of little white space around it too!!!
Now here's the one with the simple house, tree, sky-clouds: Then I may add some more other details and stuff to this-like birds, flowers, etc. or I may start on another simple pictures of other specific objects, just like this one here.
Then I will pretty soon will draw pictures on computer using the Google Images. I see there's few of them waiting for their art requests. And I think of to get the other drawings done much faster and sooner with lesser work to get them done, then would have to use really good drawing program, & copying more Google Images to that drawing program, just give me more time & I will get to that, that I just try practice my own drawing on computer for a while. The really good drawing programs are: GIMP & Sketch Book Pro (7); & about the greatest one I saw, would be Adobe Photoshop.
Then here's the computer drawing of boat on water:
Next I will do the one like this with the trees along with plants & flowers-some insects around them.
This post was edited by DannyPetti at November 25, 2023 6:41 PM MST
Deleting post is deleting more than I thought it's going to delete, but the flower site with the yellow/&blue flowers circled, is the flowers I copied, then posted into the flower field drawing: The flowers that I pasted & shrinks with other small flowers, are the ones with small circles around it, I also copied & pasted those clouds & the ones like pine trees in groups-across that linear field too! Now you get what I was doing with (all) these other pictures here now, do You?
Computer mouse doesn't work great on drawing, as little shaky & choppy to draw with, until I have a really smooth surface for the mouse-that would kind of slide; or using the Wacom Tablet, which I have one of that, would work better than a computer mouse.
I will see if I can get back that insect picture if you really want it.
Now on another next picture, I will try copy & paste something really big, maybe a big tree or something, & I will do some resizing on that too, & maybe some shading(by drawing over), now how's that?
I had lost your other replies, so I will paste it here:
I got the tree & sky picture from here. Then I copied it to the paint program. I selected that tree-the tree you see with the selection around it
I pasted the same tree over the farther pine trees Then the farther pine trees now selected that you see below: Then I got another same distance group of pine trees now pasted on the left side, & then:
The final picture that I got re-editing!
This post was edited by DannyPetti at November 25, 2023 6:41 PM MST
That to show you everything that I did from first to the next picture. Do you think that copying & pasting other objects to a large picture is probably much more fun to do than just drawing in a paint program? Actually it's much simpler to do & takes much less time if just copying objects from that source, & just paste them on the drawing program paper.
On the far below, I put in all of that sky-tree picture to show you what I did on every steps that I did those other changes to that picture. See how the Photoshop picture/photo editing tools work!
It was sort of hard to put those pictures all in order, then this time I will just edit each steps of another pictures myself, & then paste you just the interesting final edited picture okay?