Some Republican women must have totally ignored everything Trump that showed how he treated women, even on National TV. There were videos of him doing it, for God's sake! What will they tell their daughters, when their daughters find out their parents supported Donald Trump? You talk about war on women? I'm afraid to even think what other policies and laws will be passed. Oh...the horror... the horror.
Yo got me...but then again I can't understand why anyone wold vote for him.
My daughter is a good example. She and her husband lost their home in the crash. In the 8 years since she has..on the basis of her income alone...purchased both a brand new car and her first house - yet claims we could not endure another moment fiscally of a Democratic President. In the 8 years she suffered a major health crisis and an industrial accident and her husband becomes disabled and is now on SSDI and she is still that far ahead.