Discussion » Questions » Business » When you call Customer Service in India, do you get someone with an American accent?

When you call Customer Service in India, do you get someone with an American accent?

Sometimes, they don't understand the issue about which I'm calling and, even when they do, it's hard to understand their replies.  I'm getting so tired of having to strain to understand the service reps with heavy accents.  

Posted - February 27, 2024


  • 10799
    Hang up and call again.  Sometimes this will get you a different person (maybe even a different country).  Odds are that, although they may speak in a different accent, they will still be totally unintelligible.   Remember, companies don't care about customers, just money (that's why they farm out their "customer service" to other countries).
      February 27, 2024 11:32 AM MST

  • 4291
    After yelling "representative" 40 times, when I finally get someone on the line, I'm loathe to chance trying to get someone else.
      February 27, 2024 12:37 PM MST

  • 10799
    The key word is "money".  You can yell at the robo-thingy until you're blue in the face (note: it doesn't understand curse words).   However, if you say you want to buy something, or want to "up your coverage", or make a payment ... 75% of the time you'll get you a "live" person.  That person MAY connect you with another live person (who may be able to help or is a total moron), or they'll just put you back in the queue - in which case you do it all over again.
    (I've spent a great deal of time "arguing" with the company Xfinity (they're notorious for having less than zero customer service).  But if I say I want to file a monetary complaint or want to up my service, they're quick to pick up the phone.)
      February 27, 2024 1:32 PM MST

  • 4291
    I suspect with AI taking over our lives, this problem will not improve.
      February 28, 2024 9:40 AM MST

  • 35077
    Probably not, they work cheaper than Americans  so no incentive to hire out of country.
      February 28, 2024 6:26 AM MST