Discussion » Questions » Politics » Will Donald Trump implode us because of non-expansion of intellectualism?

Will Donald Trump implode us because of non-expansion of intellectualism?

The tribe mentally occurs because many people get confused and frustrated when they assume economics and politics are separate domains and/or they get overwhelmed by all the noise and propaganda from special interest groups and governments. When humans are confused/frustrated/overwhelmed, their emotions get triggered, which creates fears and insecurities, which creates an impulse to seek safety with a familiar tribe (Keynesians, Austrians, Marxists, Democrats, Republicans, Liberals, Conservatives, etc.). But the safety of their tribe is just a regression back into their comfortable bubble and a missed opportunity to expand their perception of reality, i.e., a missed opportunity to expand their bubble.

Posted - March 3


  • 33207
    Nope. I think Trump is going to win in Nov 2024.  

    The economy and border is going to secure that victory.  
      March 4, 2024 8:39 AM MST

  • 17505
    No dear.  Is it pill time?
      March 4, 2024 6:03 PM MST