If money was unlimited, I’d set up foundations to assist in slowing and preventing global warming, to assist animal welfare, reduce some aspects of human suffering, and promote peace.
Fund scientific research into more and better ways of reducing global warming.
Fund campaigns to show big business how and why neglecting the environment will end up being more expensive than they can afford.
Capital investment to provide long-term consistent income to Amnesty International, Medicine Sans Frontieres, Fred Hollows Foundation, World Wild Life Fund, Greenpeace and green causes.
Set up Permaculture Centers next door to Aboriginal settlements, to provide jobs, free education and medicine, wholesome food at cheap prices and opportunities to participate in growing it. Train Aboriginals in psychology to assist in healing from trauma. And provide spaces for Aboriginals to promote and teach their culture and knowledge. Promote Aboriginal self-determination (what they are already asking for, but simply assisting to make it easier.)
Fund Permaculture trainers to all countries struggling with the takeover effects and economic disasters created by Monsanto, Dow-Corning et al.
Fund a think-tank to improve the functioning and fairness of democracy, to write a new Australian Constitution which, amid other things, incorporates the United Nations Bill of Human Rights and gives self-sovereignty to Aboriginals on their lands.
Deal with the melting of the permafrosts around the Arctic circle.
Speed up the mass-production of renewable energy generators, improving efficiency and bringing down the costs so that they are affordable for all consumers.
Sponsor seed banks in every country
Sponsor rescues for species on the brink of extinction & protection of their habitat
Promote the development of objects which are highly durable, reducing the wastage from built-in obsolescence.
Change building standards to reduce carbon-footprint to an absolute minimum, permanent designs, with internal flexibility to easily adapt to new purposes.
Fund scientific research into natural biological answers to agricultural pests and weeds.
Sponsor restaurants where people can taste the best in vegetarian recipes from around the world, with cooking classes upstairs, and recipes available free on request.
Campaigns to end intensive farming of animals, all use of animals for scientific and medical experiments. (Replace with human stem cells and volunteers.)
As much funding as needed to RSPCA and animal rescue centers.
Sponsor clean water, sewerage, free education and medicine for the poor around the world.
Sponsor professionally taught free courses and information on Non-Violent Communication, conflict resolution and lateral thinking all around the world.
Sponsor Vipassana meditation centers teaching the Mahasi Sayadaw (aka Agga Mahapandita) method – one 2 hours outside every major capital city, courses free, taught and serviced by volunteers – donations for maintenance and food accepted.