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old irish heritage mad conservative reserved manner anti long hair democrat hater always drunk living in pain from idiot family warmonger

Seamus O'Connor, the gruff and grizzled Irishman with a penchant for whiskey and a distaste for the modern world. Here's a more detailed character profile based on your description:

Physical Appearance: Seamus is a stout man in his late 60s, with a thick beard and a wild shock of white hair that always seems to be sticking out in every direction. His eyes are a piercing blue, with deep wrinkles etched into his face from years of squinting at the sun. He has a bit of a paunch, courtesy of his love of Guinness and Irish whiskey. He often wears worn jeans and faded flannel shirts, with a weathered Irish tweed jacket slung over his shoulder.

Personality: Seamus is a hard-bitten, no-nonsense kind of guy who doesn't suffer fools gladly. He's a staunch conservative who believes in tradition and the old ways. He's anti-progressive and anti-change, always complaining about the "good old days" when things were simpler and better. He's particularly vehement about his dislike of long hair, seeing it as a sign of laziness and lack of discipline.

Background: Seamus grew up in a rough-and-tumble neighborhood in Dublin, where he learned to fight on the streets and drink to forget his troubles. He joined the Irish army to escape the poverty and found himself in Vietnam, where he saw some terrible things and came back with PTSD. He's been struggling to find purpose ever since, often finding solace in the bottle.

Painful Family: Seamus's family is a constant source of pain for him. His wife left him for another man years ago, taking their young daughter with her. His son joined the IRA and got himself killed in an ambush. Seamus is left alone, haunted by memories of his family's betrayal and his own failures as a father.

Habits: Seamus is always drunk, usually after 5 pm. He can't sleep without a whiskey or three to calm his nerves. He smokes like a chimney, chain-smoking Lucky Strikes throughout the day. He's often irascible and argumentative, especially when it comes to politics or social issues.

Beliefs: Seamus believes that Democrats are bleeding-heart hippies who want to take away his freedom and destroy his way of life. He thinks the government should be smaller, more militarized, and focused on defending American interests. He's anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, and anti-immigration.

Quirks: Despite his gruff exterior, Seamus has a soft spot for classic rock music (especially The Pogues) and old Western movies (especially John Wayne). He's also surprisingly knowledgeable about Irish history and mythology.

There you have it – Seamus O'Connor, the gruff, whiskey-soaked Irishman who's always ready to rumble.

Posted - June 22
