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What colors would the computer pick-out if it can only pick 10 colors-as basic/best colors to mix to any colors?

Posted - June 30


  • 44374
    If you look inside a computer or TV screen, you'll see they contain only three colors of light: red, green and blue. The three specific cone cells in our eyes work together, allowing us to translate these three colors of light into millions of different colors.
      July 1, 2024 10:50 AM MDT

  • 2665
    That’s not really the answer I‘m getting directly to,
    Then/Which only the several colors it think are the best colors to pick out  out of million colors(?)

    I may give you color samples like from low to high bits level of colors, mostly in square blocks of colors(?)
      July 1, 2024 4:45 PM MDT
  • .

    I asked chat with AI, here is the list; 
    1. Red
    2. Blue
    3. Yellow
    4. Orange
    5. Green
    6. Purple
    7. Pink
    8. Brown
    9. Black
    10. White
      July 3, 2024 5:12 AM MDT