Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » Are you really a sucker for punishment because you get lonely enough to truly regret cutting your toxic friends out of your life?

Are you really a sucker for punishment because you get lonely enough to truly regret cutting your toxic friends out of your life?

Don't you remember the unstoppable sense of communal isolation you were forced to confront with thoughts excluding everything but that toxic thought? When it came to the surface though they were forced to admit with struggling admittance of honesty that they were a prig because they were bodily abused as a kid and felt worthless as a sexual object? All their nice friends said goodbye to them and they turned into heavy metal monsters? You are how you we were raised. I love those Newports at 12 though. And fear over your disgusting hair!

Posted - Thu at 5:49 AM


  • .

    It's not as easy as it sounds, getting them out of your life.  Been hoping she would become non-toxic and live a happy life, until then I need to protect myself from her and at the same time help when she will let me.

    This post was edited by . at July 4, 2024 12:40 PM MDT
      July 4, 2024 11:23 AM MDT

  • 1965
    Look man! We are all quirky and everybody is off. I ask my flatmate psychologist about sane people and as being as the exception. He got interrupted saying 'sane people arrre...not normal I think he was going to say.

    This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at July 4, 2024 12:42 PM MDT
      July 4, 2024 12:38 PM MDT

  • 7581
    Don't mind insane or sane, but this is a different kind of situation.  One that has been going on for many, many moons.  People who refuse help and work hard to make life more difficult are especially hard to deal with.  
    At least with bonafide insane there is some kind of order, you know what to expect.  With the sane who chooses momentary insanity, they come out of left field, no order, don't know what to expect, it's not very pleasant. 

    This post was edited by . at July 4, 2024 2:55 PM MDT
      July 4, 2024 12:44 PM MDT