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Harris opposes the child tax credit???

Does she really or just a way to attack Vance for supporting them?

Vance said gov should tax the things that are bad and not tax the things that are good.  That someone who has kids should pay a lower tax than someone who doesn't.

Posted - July 27


  • 10683
    First of all, Harris has been a strong supporter of the Child Tax credit. Second, perhaps she is reacting to the idea that those of who have no children are 'bad' and need to be 'punished '. Finally raising tax rates is not the same as giving a deduction. Vance said we should pay a higher tax rate.

      July 27, 2024 9:17 AM MDT

  • 33803
    No, Vance said those with children should pay a lower tax rate than those who do not.  (That is the child tax credit)

     The gov uses the tax code to punish and create incentives to cause the public and businesses to do what the gov wants. 

    So as I said a twist of Harris to attack Vance.
      July 27, 2024 10:20 AM MDT

  • 10683
    Vance said tax rates. That is the percentage you pay on your taxable income. We already have the Child Tax Credit, he didn't just invent it.

    And the government should not punish people who do not have children. That is goverment overreach at its most extreme. 

    He could have suggested government-subsidized childcare or parental leave or a number of other incentives if he wants to encourage having children. But he went with saying being child -free is bad 

    Vance said what he said, and if he wants to explain himself, I am open to hearing it. But I do not accept that I am bad and that the government should punish me. This post was edited by Jane S at July 27, 2024 3:09 PM MDT
      July 27, 2024 10:56 AM MDT

  • 33803
    No one claimed Vance invented the tax credit.  He was simply saying he agreed with using the tax code that way. To encourage Americans to have families. 

    " If you are making $100,000, $400,000 a year and you’ve got three kids, you should pay a different, lower tax rate than if you are making the same amount of money and you don’t have any kids,” Vance said in 2021 during an interview with Charlie Kirk. “It’s that simple.”

    No one who did not have children is being punished...they are simply not getting the tax break for having children.   This post was edited by my2cents at July 27, 2024 3:40 PM MDT
      July 27, 2024 3:38 PM MDT

  • 10683
    Did you watch the video? Where he starts out saying we need to reward the things that are good and punish the things that are bad. He goes on to talk about higher tax rates (nothing about tax credits).
    When I said (not anyone else said), he didn't invent the tax credit, I meant that he wasn't suggesting a tax credit, because we already have one. He was suggesting a tax rate hike for non-parents. I would prefer to hear him defend his comments, rather than accept your explanation. 
      July 27, 2024 4:24 PM MDT

  • 33803
    No he simply was not.  He was using the child tax credit as an example of the government using tax code to encourage and discourage actions of the public. 
      July 28, 2024 6:44 PM MDT

  • 10683
    That's a distinction without a difference. 
      July 28, 2024 7:32 PM MDT

  • 1492
    Trump was already guaranteed to win the upcoming election, wasn't he? Why worry about it? 

    I was impressed with Vance's background and life experiences, but the man went to Yale and came back with phrases such as "childless cat ladies." Not to mention he seems to oppose childlessness and IVF alike, while suggesting Harris (a stepmother) and Buttigieg (father of two adopted children) shouldn't be in politics if they don't have kids.
      July 27, 2024 1:56 PM MDT

  • 33803
    Vance voted to support IVF. A bill that would have striped medicaid funding from any state that did not allow IVF.  
    Yes he opposes, abortion.  So do I and many others. 
      July 27, 2024 3:24 PM MDT

  • 1492
    Seems you're right about that, although he also voted against the 'Right to IVF Act' recently. I'm not sure what to make of that, but he has said he supports IVF, so I'll cautiously take that part back. 

    I don't know where I alluded to abortion, which appears a separate subject.
      July 27, 2024 4:59 PM MDT

  • 33803
    He voted for IVF recently.   He voted against the Dems version of the bill...he voted for Ted Cruz's bill.  I do not know exactly what the difference was between the two bills.  
      July 29, 2024 10:20 AM MDT