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Guess what time of year it is?

Here is a vid for the kids that thought school was out for ever. Cheers and happy weekend! 

Posted - August 29


  • .

    The beaches are child free, the weather is perfect.  September is always a great time to hang out at the ocean. 
      August 29, 2024 1:32 PM MDT

  • 10899

    I have mixed feelings about that. I like hearing and seeing kids having fun - so half of me wishes that school would be out forever and kids could just have fun. But the other half of me knows it takes a lot of money to live on a tropical Island in Canada. So kids better get back to school and learn some economics and other important stuff. My Daughter in law is a High school Public education teacher so she has already started back to work. And she is mentally ready to shake the sand out the students heads so there will be room for knowledge. Cheers and happy weekend!

      August 29, 2024 3:31 PM MDT

  • 7948
    After a summer of families, children, tourists all over the place, leaving their trash behind, September is a God send.   Old men set up their card tables and play games and talk.  The locals are all smiling because there aren't hoards of people all over the place creating traffic problems.  One downside is the local eating establishments; many close down for the winter. 

    This post was edited by . at August 29, 2024 6:07 PM MDT
      August 29, 2024 6:05 PM MDT

  • 44501
      August 29, 2024 2:05 PM MDT