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Discussion » Questions » Outside the Mug » I just had an epiphany! What if I recruit women as ambassadors or concierges or tour guides to convince others to go into the sub-basement?

I just had an epiphany! What if I recruit women as ambassadors or concierges or tour guides to convince others to go into the sub-basement?



  “I can tell you're still not sure, Jane, and that's fine, we get that a lot with new girls. How about if I go down the stairs first and you just follow me? I can show you around to all the wonderful amenities, and you can meet some of the other ladies, those who aren’t busy on their shifts on the sandwich assembly line, that is. (Cough, cough.)”

Posted - Mon at 8:58 AM


  • .

    Apparently you already have.
      September 23, 2024 10:05 AM MDT

  • 53367


     Shall I have them give you a call to set up an appointment?



      The air fare to California is covered by Randolph Enterprises, of course. (But only a one-way ticket, of course. The budget is very tight, you see.) 

      September 23, 2024 10:43 AM MDT