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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » PET looks directly into the camera on "60 Minutes" and tells the racist/bigot/haters to STOP IT! Will they? Why should they? Right?

PET looks directly into the camera on "60 Minutes" and tells the racist/bigot/haters to STOP IT! Will they? Why should they? Right?

Posted - November 14, 2016


  • 46117
    Stop what?   The actions he encouraged before the election aimed at the other side?  That?  Stop that?  I thought he liked dissention.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 18, 2016 10:51 AM MST
      November 14, 2016 10:04 AM MST

  • 326
    they should & or else
      November 14, 2016 12:30 PM MST

  • 34948
    Everyone needs to stop.  On both sides.  The election is over and we have a winner.  Protests are fine.  Destroying property is not, violating others rights is not, violence against other is not ok.   Police need to get a handle on this stuff.  And not let it escalate, that is how riots get started.
      November 14, 2016 1:20 PM MST

  • 3934
    I agree. The people who are committing violence in the name of hatred and bigotry should stop.

    Of course, the incidents where people are protesting AGAINST hatred and bigotry are much larger and easier for the media to spot, so if anything goes wrong with those, it's all over the TV, while there are no great "if it bleeds it leads" pictures of the RWAF violence and intimidation.

    Until the RAWF violence stops, I'm a bit inclined to cut some slack to those protesting against it.
      November 14, 2016 3:14 PM MST

  • 34948
    I say if it is a crime--it is a crime.  And they need to get a hold of it.  Regardless of whomever it is doing it.  

    Protesting is not commiting criminal acts.  As soon as the protesting becomes criminal acts then they should be arrested.
      November 14, 2016 3:23 PM MST

  • 3934

    @m2c -- There are crimes and there are crimes.

    We make distinctions between violations, misdemeanors, and felonies.

    We make distinctions between crimes against property and crimes against persons.

    We make distinctions between crimes that are intended merely as destruction (throwing a Molotov cocktail on a neighbor's lawn) and crimes that are intended to intimidate whole groups of people (burning a cross on a neighbor's lawn to let all the other N*gg*rs know it could happen to them next).

    I am making a distinction between those who are committing crimes because they believe Trump's election means it's open season on N*gg*rs, Sp*cs, and F****IN HADJIS, and those who are committing crimes because of their frustration with a government which seems to condone abuse of N*gg*rs, Sp*cs, and F***ING HADJIS.

    If you don't wish to make such distinctions, that's your right. But if you refuse to make such distinctions, then Donald Trump should not get to serve as President because he has committed multiple crimes in his past (esp. tax code violations and failure to pay employees). He should be in jail, not the White House.

    So, are we going to treat ALL criminals the same, or are we going to draw distinctions?

      November 14, 2016 3:39 PM MST

  • 34948
    I make no distinction. Violent crime is violent crime and there is no justification.
    To say my side can commit crime is hypocritical.  This post was edited by my2cents at November 18, 2016 10:51 AM MST
      November 14, 2016 5:13 PM MST

  • 3934
    @m2c -- You just made a distinction. You said "violent crime"

    So, is it more "violent" to break a shop window in a situation where no one gets hurt, or deface property with "Make America White Again" grafitti?

    This post was edited by OldSchoolTheSKOSlives at November 18, 2016 10:52 AM MST
      November 14, 2016 5:33 PM MST

  • 34948
    Both are crimes and both should be arrested. 

    (Thank you for the correct above...)
      November 14, 2016 5:46 PM MST

  • 3934
    @m2c -- The problem is, in the real world, we don't have infinite law enforcement resources. ALL law enforcement agencies make some decisions about what laws are going to be enforced more vigorously and which ones will be a lower priority.

    For example, every person who tokes up in a "legalized marijuana" state is violating federal law. There is NO federal indulgence for MJ use, whether for medical or recreational purposes. Should FBI agents be flooding Colorado and Washington trying to bring weed-smoking scofflaws to justice?

    Given the reality of limited resources, I ask again: which "violent crimes" do you prioritize? The broken shop window after the anti-Trump protest or the "Make America White Again" graffiti? This post was edited by OldSchoolTheSKOSlives at November 18, 2016 10:52 AM MST
      November 14, 2016 5:54 PM MST

  • 34948
    I say bs. All crimes should be investigated and prosecuted. 
      November 14, 2016 7:55 PM MST

  • 3934
    @m2c -- Sometimes it is all too easy to lead you down the garden path to your ultimate Authoritarian impulses.

    Rather than accept the reality of limited law enforcement resources, you bellow "THE BAD PEOPLE MUST BE PUNISHED!!!" (which is the Authoritarian clarion call).

    I look forward to you volunteering for an extended prison sentence the next time you change lanes while failing to signal (because a crime is a crime and criminals MUST be investigated and prosecuted, right?)
      November 14, 2016 8:17 PM MST

  • 34948
    Again. Crime is crime. And all should be enforced. That does not mean Al crimes deserve the same penalty. If I violate a traffic law then I should get a ticket. 
      November 15, 2016 4:05 AM MST

  • 691
    If there are t0o many laws to enforce then we need to look at having fewer laws but it should never be legal to damage or vandalize another persons property.
      November 14, 2016 8:56 PM MST

  • 44
    And what about those that loot and burn and chant kill cops, that write blm on the businesses they loot, should they not be punished?
      November 14, 2016 7:17 PM MST

  • 34948
    Of course they should be punished.  Those are crimes. Not protests...crimes.
      November 14, 2016 7:27 PM MST

  • 113301
     The folks he was addressing are the ones involved in hate crimes against minorities which rose after he was elected pez m2c. He is talking to his worshippers..the racists/bigots/hatemongers,. It's been all over the news . He had to say it. He doesn't mean it. I mean he sucked up to them and pandered to them and encouraged them and has made the Hater-in-Chief his White House Counsel on a par power-wise with Reince Preibus whom he has appointed as Chief of Staff. PET is pragmatic. He will do/say what he thinks he must but everyone knows what he really is. A racist/b igot/hatremonger enabler/encourager/supporter, Sorry but that's how I see it. However there is hope. He has already softened his stance on some issues months before he is sworn in. Being President will change him. Hopefully for the better. He will see the gravity of the job and I don't think his supporters are gonna like what they see. Too bad. Oh dear. Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday to thee! :)
      November 15, 2016 2:19 AM MST

  • 34948
    I know who the reporter was directing the question towards. Trump handled it fine. He told idiots to stop. They should stop and they should be arrested. 
    Now just because the reporter used the question to once again make a dig at Trump supporters. Does not mean that the criminals who are not Trump supporters (protesters??) should get a pass. I think both Clinton and Obama should come out and tell these people to stop it.  They also should be arrested. 
    Anyone who thinks that one side or the other should get a pass on their crimes is only showing they are a hypocrite. 
      November 15, 2016 4:19 AM MST

  • I missed that whole thing last night.  I'm going to watch it when I get home this evening.  I'm glad he said that because it does need to stop.  It does not need to get past the point of no return.  I'm  white and from the south and I'm not predigest, never have been.  I can't understand that mind set.  If I  don't like someone it's because they are a jerk,  not because of their skin color or country of origin, or religious beliefs. 
      November 14, 2016 1:59 PM MST

  • 113301
    He said it Karen but he had to say it. He doesn't really mean it. Why? Because the perps are among those who voted for him. They are his people. His base. His worshippers. So he said what he had to say. But he is bringing Hatemonger-in-chief Steven Bannon into the White House as his top advisor on a par power-wise with Reince Preibus who will be Chief of Staff. That tells you all you need to know about PET's sincerity. It is very troubling to me. Thank you for your thoughtful answer  m'dear and Happy Tuesday! :)
      November 15, 2016 2:09 AM MST

  • The Hillary supporters are rioting and destroying property and attacking people because of skin color. It's ALL one big mess and BOTH sides need to be stopped. 
      November 15, 2016 4:30 AM MST

  • 13277
    Hi Rosie:

    According to the first amendment, they can say whatever they like. What they can't do is take action that harms others.
      November 14, 2016 2:09 PM MST

  • That's what a lot of them are doing though.  
      November 14, 2016 3:26 PM MST

  • 34948
    When you watch you will see that the question is actually only aimed at Trump supporters. Which Trump tells to stop it.  They do not address the Anti Trump criminals and the violence and damage they are doing and causing. 
    Very annoying. That the left wing criminals are excused as protests. 
      November 15, 2016 4:27 AM MST