How different would the world be if we could see everybody's souls instead of their bodies?
1- There are several possible takes on that. Not all serious, of course. I'll add a few to the ones already here.
2- Soul is sometimes interchangeable with spirit and sometimes with the physical person as in “s/he's a happy soul”, for example.
3- If taken in the spirit sense how would we "see" everybody's souls instead of their bodies if we had no eyes?
4- Those in burkas are saying “We don’t want you to see our bodies and get distracted by your thoughts about them” It’s clear we’re not seeing their bodies. So what ARE we seeing?
5- How the blind-from-birth “see” the world can never be fully experienced by the sighted. Similarly, how different the world would be if we could see everybody's souls instead of their bodies can never be experienced by us. So we can only speculate. Perhaps there’d be no showing off and we’d all be very humble. Maybe everybody would see him/herself as a nobody.